AXIGEN Mail Server 5.0, Now with Large Scale Functionalities Release Notes

Dear AXIGEN Friends,

We are happy to announce the commercial release of the Axigen Mail
Server 5.0 after a successful beta testing campaign.

Due to its MultiPlatform architecture, the Axigen Mail Server has been easily ported on the SPARC platform to meet the requirements of our large customers. SPARC is one of the foundation architectures in the computer industry, proved to be one of the most widely accepted technology for systems in the financial, academic, industrial, mission critical, and certainly the Internet market.

In order to upgrade, simply visit the Downloads area on our website at and select the desired product kit.

The Account Classes feature is available for all commercial users (of
Both the Business and the ISP Editions) with valid maintenance subscription.

Delegated Administration is available only for ISP Edition users with valid maintenance subscription. In order to activate this feature when upgrading to version 5.0, please email our sales department at A new license key will then be issued and emailed to you.

If you do not wish to have the Delegated Administration included in your upgrade, you can simply upgrade to version 5.0 and enjoy the other new features if offers.

For a detailed description of version 5.0 new features and enhancements, please see the list below.

Best regards,

1. New features

- Delegated Administration: this feature enables easy creation of administrative groups, with predetermined membership hierarchies and permissions, assigned to specific domains.
- Create different groups (classes) of users using the newly embedded Account Classes page of the WebAdmin interface. Account classes can be filtered based on the domain name, to ease the search.
- A Random Password generation for created Accounts was added to enable sysadmins to choose between using automatically generated passwords or manually set ones, as preferred.
- The Charts tab in WebAdmin now enables administrators to group charts. The defined chart groups also allow quick and comprehensive browsing through all the displayed graphs.
- Another new addition to the WebAdmin interface is the Storage Charts tab. This new tab graphically displays space usage information for both overall storage and per domain storage.
- A new functionality to query DNS servers providing blacklists (DNSBL servers) for blacklisted IP addresses has been added.
- At domain level, a catch-all account has been introduced, allowing system administrators to define and enable, for each managed domain, a folder that will store all the messages having non-existent recipients in that domain.

2. Enhancements

- WebMail interface available in 20 languages
- Configure service specific parameters through AXIGEN´s WebAdmin comprehensive management options: sliders, selection boxes and drop-down menus and text fields.
- Basic/Advanced Configuration: domains, accounts, lists and groups can now be easily added using the Quick Add buttons. - AXIGEN v 5.0 integrates directly with 2 more AntiVirus applications (AVG, Avast, in addition to ClamAv), while SpamAssassin is now also integrated within the AXIGEN kit. Furthermore, fresh new options allow administrators to enable or disable a certain AntiVirus or AntiSpam application with one mouse click.
- Added WebAdmin wizards to ease the creation of AV/AS filters, Incoming Message Rules and Acceptance and Routing Rules.
- Queue viewing options have been thoroughly improved. The View Queue page of WebAdmin, as well as the CLI administration tool, allow easy filtering and sorting of stored email messages.
- The enhanced Services section in WebAdmin now enables quick service management options. Actions such as starting, stopping and restarting a service are easily performed by a simple mouse click on the available buttons.
- Logging: system administrators can easily have a general idea of logging actions using the Local Services Log Overview tab. The log level, type and file are displayed for each of the AXIGEN services. The content of log files can now be viewed in the WebAdmin interface.
- Automatic Migration can be disabled or enabled with one mouse click only for each domain managed by the AXIGEN Mail Server. It can also be easily set through the Configure button corresponding to each domain.
- The Clustering section within the WebAdmin interface now has an enhanced design, bringing together clustering setup, POP3 Proxy and IMAP Proxy parameters. LDAP connector addition has also been enhanced to allow quick adding.
- AXIGEN mail server can no longer start if configuration errors occur in its configuration file (\'axigen.cfg\') or in its SMFL file (\'smtpFilters.script\').
- Starting with version 5.0, when an account is deleted, the Incoming Message Rules defined by the account user using WebMail are automatically deleted.
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