Axigen Mail Docker configuration


Our advice is to use a dedicated container for SpamAssassin (for example this one) and configure Axigen to connect to it*. Same approach should work for ClamAV as well.


* in axigen.cfg update the address for “AV:Spamassassin” from the default value (inet:// to the one specific for your installation (like below), restart Axigen and enable Spamassassin built-in external application filter from WebAdmin > Security & Filtering > Antivirus & AntiSpam > Supported Applications (ignore that you may get ‘could not connect’ status for this particular configuration)

         name = "AV:SpamAssassin"
         address = "inet://"
         protocolFile = "/var/opt/axigen/filters/spamassassin.afsl"
         idleTimeout = 300
         actionOnMatch = pass
         maxConnections = 10
         maxMessageSize = 10240