This is the complete list of members for Dnr, including all inherited members.
__construct($dnrObj, $parent) (defined in Dnr) | Dnr | |
__destruct() (defined in Dnr) | Dnr | |
__get($name) | Dnr | |
__set($name, $value) | Dnr | |
addNameserver($address, $priority, $timeout, $retries) | Dnr | |
getCacheSize() | Dnr | |
getDnrObj() (defined in Dnr) | Dnr | |
getLogHost() | Dnr | |
getLogLevel() | Dnr | |
getLogType() | Dnr | |
getRetries() | Dnr | |
getSessionObj() (defined in Dnr) | Dnr | |
getTimeout() | Dnr | |
listNameservers() | Dnr | |
removeNameserver($priority) | Dnr | |
reset() | Dnr | |
save() | Dnr | |
setCacheSize($value) | Dnr | |
setLogHost($value) | Dnr | |
setLogLevel($value) | Dnr | |
setLogType($value) | Dnr | |
setRetries($value) | Dnr | |
setTimeout($value) | Dnr | |
updateNameserver($priority, $newAddress=null, $newPriority=null, $newTimeout=null, $newRetries=null) | Dnr |