How to Append a Text to All Messages Originating from One Domain

This article describes the process of enabling and configuring the message appender for a domain.


The domain message appender attaches a predefined message to the messages originating from one domain. The messages can be set up for each particular domain. By default, the message appender is disabled for all domains.

To enable the appender:

1. Log into the webadmin interface, using the "admin" account.

2. From the "Domains & Accounts" context, open the "Manage Domains" page

3. Click the "Edit" button next to the domain you need to configure.

4. In the "Message Appender" tab, enable the appender check-box.

5. Type the message to be appended in the text-box below.

6. Click the "Save Configuration" button to make the configuration permanent.

NOTE: The message configured will be appended to ALL messages sent from that domain.

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{* // Enable when needed *} {* *}