How to Disable Commtouch and Enable the Cyren Antivirus / Antispam Filter after Upgrading to Axigen X2

Axigen 10.2 no longer uses the Commtouch antispam filter but it has instead the Cyren antivirus/antispam filter. If Commtouch was enabled prior to the upgrade, messages will be blocked in the queue after upgrading to 10.2 because Commtouch is not available. The Processing log will show the error below:
2018-02-05 00:58:01 +0200 02 localhost PROCESSING:000C82EB: Filter CommTouch([ERROR]: Could not connect to filter
2018-02-05 00:58:01 +0200 02 localhost PROCESSING:000C82EB: Error connecting to socket filter: CommTouch(


To disable the Commtouch filter, navigate into the WebAdmin interface to Security & Filtering → AntiVirus & AntiSpam. In the 'Supported Applications' tab, click the 'DISABLE' button next to the Commtouch filter.


If Commtouch was enabled at domain level, it will need to be disabled from WebAdmin. Go to Domains & Accounts → Manage Domains → select the domain → 'Message Filters' tab -> click the 'DISABLE' button next to the Commtouch filter.

Next, start the Cyren service from WebAdmin: Go to Services → Services Mangement → click the 'Start' button next to the Cyren service.

Then, enable the Cyren filter from WebAdmin. Go to Security & Filtering → AntiVirus & AntiSpam. In the 'Supported Applications' tab, click the 'ENABLE' button next to the Cyren filter.

OS: LinuxWindows