How to Setup Axigen to Use a Specified FQDN When Sending Emails (EHLO Banner) / Modify the Default SMTP Banner for Incoming Connections

How to setup Axigen to use a specified FQDN when sending emails (EHLO Banner) / modify the default SMTP banner for incoming emails


1. In the default configuration, the Axigen Mail Server will respond to outgoing connections with an EHLO string containing the machine hostname, which is returned by the gethostname() function. Sometimes this hostname attribute is different from the MX entry found in the DNS configuration of your domain and could cause issues when relaying is done as external domains may enforce different policies in order to validate the sending MTA.

2. Changing the default EHLO text for outgoing connections can be done from the WebAdmin interface -> Security & Filtering context -> Acceptance & Routing -> Advanced Settings by creating a New Acceptance / Routing rule . In the Conditions section the default Match any email message rule should be sufficient unless other specific settings are required. From the Actions section select from the dropdown box: Relay->Ehlo text and add it as a new rule. It is recommended that the Ehlo text to be the network FQDN of your machine. Make sure to also define a suggestive name for this rule in the General Settings section.
After defining these settings, Save Configuration in order to make sure that the new rule is saved into your Axigen configuration.

3. If you need to modify the default SMTP banner presented by the Axigen Mail Server for incoming connections, you can enforce such a setting from the WebAdmin interface -> Security & Filtering context -> Acceptance & Routing -> Acceptance Basic Settings -> Override default SMTP banner section. Once your changes are complete, click the Save configuration button to save the new settings.
OS: LinuxWindows
Distros: Windows x64RPM based distros x64
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