Business Mail Server

Complete Business Email and Collaboration Solution

with Calendars, Tasks, Notes, Contacts, and Productivity Tools

Communicate reliably, stay secure, and work efficiently as a team. The perfect business email solution for privacy-focused organizations.

Start Free Trial

Full featured 60 day evaluation.
8 minutes average install time.

Group Emails into Conversations
Organize Your Workflow Using Labels
Share Email Folders
Allow Others to Send Emails on Your Behalf
Create Rules for Automation

The full benefits of email communication & collaboration, integrated in a smart & secure solution based on a powerful mail server for business.

Share Calendars, Tasks & Notes
Check Availability and Schedule Meetings
Share Calendars, Notes, Contacts
Allow Others to Delegate Tasks on Your Behalf
Access from Your Computer, Phone, or Tablet

There’s Your Client of Choice...

Use Your Favorite Desktop Client

Whether it’s Outlook or any other popular client like Thunderbird or Apple Mail, you can use it with Axigen.

We also support calendar, tasks, and contacts sync with clients that use the industry standard CalDAV and CardDAV protocol.

Sync Your Mobile Phone or Tablet

The Axigen business email server works with most mobile devices with internet access.

It syncs email, calendars, tasks, notes, or contacts via open standards or Exchange Activesync, thus offering complete business email services & functionality whenever, wherever.

...And There’s the Axigen WebMail

Forget about the webmail apps you’ve used before. Yes, we mean it — just play around with the Axigen WebMail for a day and you might even realize that you don’t need a desktop client.

Live WebMail Demo
Axigen WebMail Axigen WebMail

Extensive Security Toolset

Multiple Built-in Security Layers

The Axigen business mail server guarantees secure reception, transit, and delivery of email. Protect your confidential data with an extensive set of defensive tools, including:

  • Authentication / Encryption
  • Access Control & Flow Control
  • SPF, DKIM, DMARC Compliance
  • 2-Step Verification
  • Message Acceptance & Sending Policies

Premium AntiVirus / AntiSpam Apps

For extra email protection against spam, viruses, and phishing, we recommend you to top up your defensive tools with one or more of our built-in premium security services:

  • Bitdefender Axigen AntiMalware & AntiSpam

    Protect your users from malware and prevent spam outbreaks the minute they occur with Axigen AntiMalware & AntiSpam, powered by Bitdefender.

  • aDNSBL & aURIBL Axigen Premium Blacklists

    Preemptive spam and phishing protection for your Axigen installation — detect phishing attempts and reject up to 80% of spam at connection level.

Flexible Administration

Web Administration Console

With the built-in Axigen WebAdmin, setup is a breeze and maintenance simple and straightforward.

Configure service specific parameters through Axigen’s comprehensive WebAdmin, optimized for speed, with quick links and contextual help so that busy admins can make changes on the fly.

Backup and Archiving

Full / partial restores, offline and online backups, access from more than one location via the Back-up & Restore module.

Meet the regulatory compliance requirements defined by the major international standards through integration with third-party archiving applications.

CLI Automation and LDAP / AD Sync

Automate admin and provisioning tasks using the Command Line Interface. Consolidate end-user data via LDAP sync (OpenLDAP / AD) with the Axigen business mail server.

Account Classes

Create different classes (groups) of accounts, with distinct and customizable service levels based on their needs (such as allowed services, message size quota, filters applied etc).

Email Your Way with Support All Day

Friendly Licensing Terms

Flexible licensing model so you can focus on growing your business:

  • “Pay for what you use” licensing policy
  • OS agnostic licensing
  • Migration from your legacy business mail server
  • Easy license upgrade and update
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24x7 Technical Support

Get full technical assistance from our dev-led team of support experts with an unbeatable response time.

Also available in your local language for products purchased from our partners.

All tech support packs include maintenance — access to version upgrades, patches, and updates.

See Support Packs