Axigen 10.1.3 Release Notes

We are pleased to announce the release of a new minor version, Axigen 10.1.3.
This version comes with number of enhancements, performance improvements, and bug fixes, as well as support for Windows Server 2016.
For a detailed list of what's included in 10.1.3, please consult the list below.

Axigen Mail Server

[AXI-1875] SERVER Improve KAS performance under load
[AXI-1920] SERVER WEBMAIL Decrease the duration and server load for mail list, compose, send email, and address book open operations

[AXI-1924] Make VCARD REV field RFC compliant
[AXI-1682] SERVER Prefer HTML over TEXT content when the ActiveSync client has no preference
[AXI-1766] SERVER Log authentication errors in the security log in a specific SMTP auth scenario
[AXI-1909] SERVER Improved diagnostic when refusing delivery to special folders
[AXI-1828] CLUSTER Make Back-End skip over ghost accounts when updating Front-Ends, or report them as deleted
[AXI-1898] CLUSTER Make Back-End also notify Front-Ends of temporary aliases
[AXI-1790] CLUSTER Send request / sub / unsub special addresses as aliases of the mailing list to the Front-End
[AXI-1818] CLUSTER Added a check to the available services mask after authenticating a smtp user on a frontend
[AXI-1870] SERVER Upgrade last login info after each successful authentication
[AXI-1934] WEBMAIL [XB] Make the WebMail accept recipient email addresses like ending in hyphen (e.g. user-@domain.tld)

[AXI-1932] SERVER Fixed loop when chaining Milter filters
[AXI-1931] CLUSTER Fixed CardDAV in LDAP cluster
[AXI-1911] SERVER Fixed issue with editing CardDAV contacts created in Axigen 10
[AXI-1916] SERVER Fixed Sieve crash caused by malformed header
[AXI-1613] SERVER Fixed errors when copy pasting from programs such as Windows Explorer to Axigen's FTP backup server
[AXI-1531] SERVER Fixed Windows WebAdmin path traversal vulnerability
[AXI-1580] SERVER Fixed WebMail first login setting the account type as Premium
[AXI-1908] SERVER Fix crash in case calendar container is unavailable when processing iTips
[AXI-1826] CLUSTER Fixed processing infinite loop caused by delivery attempt to group hosted on multiple Back-Ends
[AXI-1618] CLUSTER Fixed code that forced a Front-End to update its config when the domain server config was changed on a Back-End
[AXI-1887] SERVER Fixed group sync issue for misconfigured ldap servers
[AXI-1892] WEBMAIL Fixed "TAB" key behaviour in Webmail Interface on Internet Explorer 11
[AXI-1893] WEBMAIL Fixed directional keys behavior in Webmail Interface on Internet Explorer 11
[AXI-1894] WEBMAIL Fixed mark as read when message is opened with double-click
[AXI-1913] WEBMAIL Fixed issue related to signatures conversion
[AXI-1936] WEBMAIL Fixed address book contacts incorrectly parsed if they contained quotes in their name
[AXI-1944] WEBMAIL Composer: Fixed issue resulting in end-user being unable to use certain characters in To / Cc
[AXI-1958] WEBMAIL Fixed wrong parsing for emails that contained the ',' character in the name part
[AXI-1984] WEBMAIL Fixed default language detection not working as expected in IE11
[AXI-1000] WEBMAIL Fixed a visual issue (broken folder icons in the tree grids) that appeared after the Chrome 58 update
[AXI-1001] WEBMAIL Fixed a visual issue (broken folder icons in the contacts list) that appeared after the Chrome 59 update
[AXI-1896] WEBMAIL Fixed a CardDAV incompatibility with iOS, macOS, resulting in contact email addresses not being shown in WebMail
[AXI-1935] WEBADMIN Fixed issue resulting in French keyboard users not being able to input digits in choice counter controls

Outlook Connector

[AXI-1844] OLK Fixed search by attachment name
[AXI-1989] OLK Fixed issue resulting in messages not visible in HTML format after Office 365 (Outlook) update 1703

New Platforms & Clients Support

[AXI-1003] Windows Server 2016

Known Issues

[AXI-2009] WEBMAIL Contacts with multiple phone numbers are displayed incorrectly in the contact view
[AXI-1004] WEBMAIL Contact thumbnails are not shown in the contacts list, contact item, and address book


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