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Service Provider FIRsT Support

Axigen's primary support level for SPs grants you with unlimited access to great tech support, all year round.

What's Included Assistance for installation, migration, configuration, troubleshooting, AntiVirus / AntiSpam integration

24 x 7 x 365 availability Get help round the clock
Email support 24 hours maximum response time
Software Maintenance Access to new version upgrades
Web support Online product documentation & more
Supplied by: Level 1 Support Engineers
Price / Year: Contact us

Before Axigen, [...] when issues arose, we would spend valuable time searching for answers on the Internet. [...] The support we get from Axigen is the best we have experienced in the software business.

Knightworks Hosting, USA

Email support

The email technical support is available 24 x 7 x 365. See the Get support page — our experts will answer your technical inquiries on Axigen via email. It also includes free subscription to the Axigen Newsletter, containing security alerts, advisories, and other useful pieces of advice, as well as information regarding upcoming versions, tips, and insights on the Axigen products.

Web support

The Web support is permanently available on our website for all Axigen customers & includes access to the following online resources:

  1. Online Documentation
  2. New releases (patches & new commercial versions) of Axigen products
  3. Axigen Knowledge Base
  4. Product documentation (Release Notes, User Guides, the Axigen Blog, etc.)
  5. Axigen Community

Confidentiality — If, while benefiting from technical support or assistance, Axigen customers send information such as configuration, architecture, logs, or other information to the support team, these details will be treated as private and confidential and will only be used to identify and solve the reported problems.

Support expiration — Axigen customers are eligible for technical support provided that they have a valid Software Maintenance & Technical Support subscription. If the Maintenance & Technical Support subscription renewal is not ordered before the current subscription's expiration, the missing months have to be purchased on renewal. Maintenance & technical support fees are based on updated list prices, as valid in the moment of purchase.