I was wondering if in 2025 there may be plans for Axigen on Debian 12. I have not been able to install on version 12 with various package incompatibility/dependencies. And, will there be plans for ARM architecture rather than x86.
Many Thanks.
What else are you running on Debian 12? I have my Axigen instance installed on 12 now, have for months. My only issue I don’t believe to be related to Debian (SSL cert issues).
Thanks for that. I did several fresh installs of Debian 12 (both x86 and AMD) on Linode and Amazon AWS, and there were package incompatibility errors e.g. around libc with versions being incorrect, even though they seemed to be okay.
However, since you have it running, I must be missing something.
I did an installation this last week with Dovecot and its various packages, disabled dovecot, and then suddenly Axigen was able to install. I’m going to look at those packages and see if I can see what is happening with the aim to install it. It does look encouraging though as you have it working fine.
I just installed a fresh Debian 12 system, nothing else, and Axigen installed perfectly.
It may go back to your question of what else was installed. I usually install nginx first, as an example of other packages. Or, it could be updates from Debian developers. Anyway, problem solved.
Glad to hear it. Mine is just a Debian 12 install and nothing else on it, then I update and install Axigen. Seems to run fine. I only use Nginx reverse proxy and that is on a separate LXC in my environment.