The script requires PowerShell version 5 or newer Because the script is not signed an error could occur. In this case to allow the script to run on your system you should run below command:
Unblock-file axigen-update.ps1
This script will restart the Axigen service, we strongly recommend to run it during a maintenance window.
Note that this script is not suitable for High-availability cluster installations.
Feel free to express your feedback about this script here or by contacting support team.
I am unable to to use script on Server Core. Manual upgrade is OK.
PS C:\Program Files\Axigen Mail Server> ./axigen-update.ps1 “Axigen Mail Server”
Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Datacenter detected
Axigen service is installed
Axigen install folder: C:\Program Files\Axigen Mail Server
Axigen Working Directory: C:\Program Files\Axigen Mail Server\
Invoke-WebRequest : The response content cannot be parsed because the Internet Explorer engine is not available, or
Internet Explorer’s first-launch configuration is not complete. Specify the UseBasicParsing parameter and try again.
At C:\Program Files\Axigen Mail Server\axigen-update.ps1:87 char:21
Hi guys. Thanks for the script but seem to have some problems.
Firstly I have the install and the working directories on separate drives. In the script on line 61 & 62, you have the script asking for the $working_path instead of $install_path. I fixed that in my script but then it is throwing up the error of
The requested version of Axigen does not exit
My current version is
Axigen binary version: 10.4.2
Webmail interface version: 10.4.2
Webadmin interface version: 10.4.2
when I point manually to the update url, it is saying that the current version is 10.4.3 but it wont update
I’m sorry to inform but the update script is not supporting 10.4 (and upper) Axigen versions as we are not anymore distributing patches (for binary and web components) so you have to manual execute the update procedure.