I’m running Axigen v. 10.4.6 on Windows/x64 and Linux/x64.
When I click “EDIT” in “Incoming Message Rules / WA_Blacklist_Check” I get an error message saying:
“Error parsing the Sieve filters file.
Nested expressions are not supported by the WebAdmin Sieve wizard.”
Is there something wrong with my wasieve-server.sieve ? I never edited it directly, only via the Admin User Interface.
I can upload my sieve file if needed. These are the first 21 lines in it:
require [“reject”, “replace”, “fileinto”, “envelope”, “copy”, “forward”, “vacation”, “tagsubject”, “body”, “relational”, “axidate”, “addressbook”, “restoremessage”, “markmessage”, “feature”, “iConfirmation”, “variables”, “extlists”, “imap4flags”];
##Filter id=34 name=“WA_Variables_Initialization” enabled=1
set “whitelist_match” “false”;
##Filter id=35 name=“WA_Blacklist_Check” enabled=1
if allof (
string :is [“${whitelist_match}”] [“false”],
anyof (
envelope :list [“From”] [“:blacklist:server”],
address :list [“From”] [“:blacklist:server”]
) {
fileinto “Trash”;
##Filter id=36 name=“WA_Whitelist_Check” enabled=1
if anyof (
address :contains [“From”] [“dummy@someplace.com”]
) {
set “whitelist_match” “${1}”;
Thank you!