I’ve install last version of Axigen Mail Server on AlmaLinux 8, also i install CSF and download brute force script from axigen, i put rule in /etc/csf/regex.custom.pm, i activate security log and i test brute force, but without success.
Can someone help with this issue?
Thank you
After research i finally found working solution for integrate brute force with CSF (Config Server Fireawall).
You need to edit /etc/csf/regex.custom.pm with this:
if (($globlogs{CUSTOM9_LOG}{$lgfile}) and ($line =~ / SECURITY[:]([A-Z3_\-]+)[;][0-9A-F]+[;](\S+)[;][0-9]+[;]OP_FAIL[;](\S+)[;]/)) {
$axiSRV = $1; $axiIP = $2; $axiACC = $3; $axiIP =~ s/^::ffff://;
return ("Failed Axigen-$axiSRV login '$axiACC' from",$axiIP,"AXImatch","5","25,80,110,143,443,465,587,993,995","3600","0")
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