Different between ClamAV (Built-in External) and ClamAV-local (Use External)

In Axigen From the menu Security & Filtering -> Antivirus & AntiSpam -> Supported Applications tab. There are 2 options. ClamAV (Built-in External) and ClamAV-local (Use External). Can anyone help explain what’s the different between these 2 options ?

Does it mean ClamAV (Built-in External type) is ClamAV that is listening on Local socket while ClamAV-local (Use External) is ClamAV that is listening on TCP socket.

Or vice versa ?

Or I got it all wrong ?


ClamAV filter should be used when clamd service is configured to use network mode (TCP):

    name = "AV:ClamAV"
    address = "inet://"

and ClamAV-local when clamd service is configured to use local mode (Local socket)

    name = "ClamAV-local"
    address = "local:///var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl"


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Thank you for this info. At a glance, I should focus only the name which “ClamAV” and “ClamAV local” is pretty clear.

I think I was confused by the TYPE column on the screen. Not sure what does it really mean for “Built-in External” and “User External”.

Built-in External means the AV is built or compiled into OS, but external part of Axigen ?
User External means the AV is arranged by User somewhere out of OS, and definitely it is not part of Axigen ?



  • “Built-in” - Axigen is able to detect the filter status (if is Available or not)
  • “User” - Axigen is unable to detect the filter status

and External indicate that the filter is not part of Axigen.
