Display customized WebMail templates for requests with specific virtual hosts in the URL

Hello, I need help and explanation.
I would like to access the WebMail website by entering my domain my.domain.com according to this : axigen documentation webmail-listeners-virtual-hosts-control-rules-p45254002
unfortunately it doesn’t work. port 443 is already occupied by Webadmin

I use the default template for the virtual host because I don’t have the files


Debian 11
root@mail:/var/opt/axigen# ls
axigen_cert.pem axigen_dh.pem axigen_lk.bin aximigrator bitdefender domains filters letsencrypt log notifications queue reporting run serverData

default template folder missing!

with the current setting, my.domein.com points to the webadmin login page but with the wrong certificate

I will be grateful for any suggestion


Please reconfigure your WebAdmin listener from 443 to another port (like 9443) so you could use 443 for Webmail.

Because this action is not possible via WebAdmin (you can not change a listener you are using in that moment) please follow this procedure:

1/ stop axigen service
2/ make a copy for /var/opt/axigen/run/axigen.cfg so you could revert any changes you will made below (if needed)
3/ edit /var/opt/axigen/run/axigen.cfg
and change (or how you set your WebAdmin listener) to (or whatever you like)
4/ start axigen service
5/ connect to WebAdmin interface using 9443 (or whatever port you have set at point 3/)
6/ change WebMail listener to use port 443

Note: if you are not happy to edit your axigen.cfg file please share it here so we could give you a “sed” command to execute on it.

Good luck!


PS: same could be made via CLI but above procedure should be more simpler and easy to understand

Thank you for the quick reply.
Yes, I understand your solution, but I would like to use Webadmin and Webmail without an additional port in the address

it is certainly possible because the company has prepared livedemo,

demo axigenmail com and web axigenmail com
but is it possible using only Axigen app

No, it is not possible. If you insist to have both WebMail and We admin on same 443 port than you have to use different 2 IP addresses.

We strongly advice against running WebAdmin interface accesibile via a public network without some ACL rules but you most probably have a specific setup or reasons to expose it publicly and without using a non-default port (like 443 instead of suggested 9443).

Have a nice day,

Thank you for your answer.
Kind regards