Is Axigen using DKIM correctly?

I have two domains and I signed them according to these instructions

both domains have separate keys and entries in Acceptance and Routing → Advanced Settings Rule name: “DomainSign-domain1_com”

but domains are signed only by the first entry
which naturally leads to an error when validating between the selector and the dns entry.

I copied the public key from domain 1 to domain 2, and now even Gmail recognizes the signature as a valid DKIM

but shouldn’t each domain have its own key?

Hello @Morison,

Can you clarify if you have a single SMTP rule for both domains, or do you have two separate SMTP rules (one for domain1 and one for domain2)

If is possible can you send me here or PM the smtpFilters.script file available by default on Linux hosts in /var/opt/axigen/filters folder.



I have two separate SMTP rules (one for domain1 and one for domain2).

Hello @Morison

I checked the file and found that the issue is due to having multiple conditions on each rule (2 conditions) and the logic is set to “ANY of the conditions below”. Because of this any message from an authenticated user will match the first rule.

To fix this issue edit the each rules and change “ANY of the conditions below” to “ALL of the conditions below”.


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Hi, you were right, changing to “ALL” solved the problem.
Thank you very much for your help
Best regards

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