Numbers of account

Hi! is there any way to have the number of all users in my server that have multiple domains ? i’ve been looking for it but i haven’t found it.i’d appreciate your help

You can use and download it from below link:
Before running the script also you need to put and in the same directory

then you can export a text file and change it to csv

Thank you for you response ,The scripts are working fine but it shows the users and the size of mailboxes for a specific domain. for me i have multiple domains in the same server like 200 domains and i need to know the exact number of all users from all domains .i’d like your help if there is a way to do that

To export all users from all domains:
1- run below command, it will save all accounts from all domains in a file:
python file=export.csv
2- open the exported file with notepad++
3- Press “Crtl + H” to open replace box
4- replace all “@” with “,” (comma) and save and close the file.
5- open the file with Excel,

Now you can sort accounts base on your domain and get the number of users in any domain.

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Thank you for your help :pray: :pray: , it works fine :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Your welcome and good luck.