Switching Linux Distros

I am switching my Axigen mail server from Cent OS Strem 8 to Debian12.
Is there a quick way to migrate. For example:
1.) build new server
2.) Install axigen on new server
3.) stop axigen on old server and tar up files.
4.) stop axigen on new server
5.) extract .tar files.
6.) start axigen on new server. (all user data and custom configurations now in place)

is this possible? If so what are the folder I need to tar.

Thank In advance for your help.

Hello @MailTec1,

The migrate procedure should work, the tar file should contain the Axigen Working Directory, which is by default /var/opt/axigen on Linux distributions. Additionally, ensure that you also include any storages (domains, object, messages) that are outside of the Axigen Working Directory (/var/opt/axigen/domains) if you have any.


Thank you. I did the migration this evening and it is working and everything came over.
I am having issues with CLAMAV I updated the axigen.cfg with the value i get from running netstat -lnp | grep clam I get :
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 1824 1/init /run/clamav/clamd.ctl

My axigen.cfg has this :
name = “AV:ClamAV”
address = “local:///var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl”
protocolFile = “/opt/axigen/afsl/clam-av.afsl”
idleTimeout = 300
actionOnMatch = pass
maxConnections = 10
maxMessageSize = 10240

Am I missing somthing else it show in the Webadmin

ClamAV Built-in External Not available Enabled

can you guide me on this?

Thanks in advance for your help!


Try to add the Clamav user to Axigen group using a command similar with:

usermod -aG axigen CLAM_USER

and restart Clamav service after.


Still not working.

I did a cat /etc/passwd and found that clamuser = clamav
I tried sudo usermod -aG axigen clamav
sudo usermod -a -G axigen clamav

still shows not available.

I also verified my netstat

Here is my entry in the /var/opt/run/axigen.cfg

        name = "AV:ClamAV"
        address = "local:///run/clamav/clamd.ctl"
        protocolFile = "/opt/axigen/afsl/clam-av.afsl"
        idleTimeout = 300
        actionOnMatch = pass
        maxConnections = 10
        maxMessageSize = 10240

any other ideas?


Is axigen OS user able to access /run/clamav/clamd.ctl?

Could you please set PROCESSING log level to Protocol Communication and login into WebAdmin so a test message should be generated and see how the filter is detected as not available?

Is there any change if switching to TCP communication (like on so the address for AV:ClamAV will be “inet://”?

Other than that I have no other ideas at this moment.
