Use bought domain

I have a bought domain, and I want to set it to mail domain but I don’t know how to use it.

I setup but I can’t send mail or revice mail from it
Please help me

Hello An,

I’ll try to assist you by providing step-by-step instructions but most probably this will be a long journey :slight_smile:

First of all please confirm if your installation is on Windows or Linux and if you have any experience administrating your server.

Secondly, is this installation on your premise (like home or office) or somewhere into “the cloud” (I could guess it is on AWS but maybe I’m wrong).

Lastly I like to know if you have all needed credentials to edit DNS records of your domain(s) as you have at least to add an MX record for receiving messages (from both domains mentioned above is missing this important record)

Let’s clarify the above questions before advancing to the nest step.
