Webmail 2-Factor Authentication

Home User on the latest version. I turned on 2-Factor Authenication for Webmail, however, is there anyway to have this turned on only when used outside of my local lan? I dont really need it locally but for sure when out in the wild ( anywhere outside of my lan ). This might be a future feature but would really be great. I like to just use webmail internally and its a pain to have to use it locally, but want the extra layer of security when outside the lan.


Hello Paul,

At this moment there are no exceptions available after 2FA has been activated for an account.

I guess you like to have some IPs for which you like to have this feature disabled - am I right?


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Thats correct, I would like to whitelist the local lan Ip(s) or even the entire subnet, but when out on the road be able to have the extra security of 2FA over the internet. Appreciate if you keep this in mind for a future new feature.
Thank you

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