With arm64 ever be supported?

Hi Axigen people.

My amd64 server has just died but have a faster arm64 server with 16GB ram and 14TB of disk..... would be perfect for the family email server but seems arm64 is not on the roadmap :( will that ever change?

Happy to be a Beta tester if its anywhere close…

Hello @AlanHawkesford

I forwarded your question to our Product Manager and until we have an answer you may try to run the Axigen Docker container on your ARM server - I use this method every day for my tests on Apple M1 processor.


Thanks for the reply
Didn’t thunk you can run docker code for a different processor type?

Are you sayingbthe docker image from the website will work?

Hello @AlanHawkesford

Yes, I use the official image of Axigen and the below command to start the container:

docker run --platform linux/amd64 --name=axigen -dt -v <LOCAL_PATH>:/axigen/var -p 443:443 -p 9443:9443 -p 993:993 -p 995:995 -p 25:25 -p 465:465 -p 9000:9000 axigen/axigen


OK… might give that a go, thankyou

Im not a docker person but have installed and setup as per the axigen website but looks like im missing something??
Image downloadloaded
I have a copy of the old running directory in /axigen/var
docker start axigen and the log says “exec /axigen/bin/entrypoint.sh: exec format error”

What am I missing?


Can you provide the exact command that you use to create the container


docker run --platform linux/amd64 --name=axigen -dt -v ~/EmailServer:/axigen/var -p 443:443 -p 9443:9443 -p 993:993 -p 995:995 -p 25:25 -p 465:465 -p 9000:9000 axigen/axigen

Hello @AlanHawkesford

From what I found that error can be related to architecture.

I will try to run Axigen container on a different ARM computer considering that on Apple M1 device is working most probably due to the Rosetta 2 Translation included in Mac OS.

I will keep you updated with my findings.


Ok Thank-you let me know ifvi need to do anything

In the meantime can you mention the OS that is running on your server and also the output of:

uname -a

Also please add some details regarding the processor.


Currently Rashian but could be any Linux

Can you also provide the output of “uname -a” command

Hello @AlanHawkesford

I was able to reproduce the behaviour you encounter and I confirm that is from processors architecture.

After a short research I discover that it is possible to start a x86_64 container on ARM64 CPU using qemu-user-static:


and we found a docker image for that:


:bangbang: Note that this setup is not supported and we did not investigate how qemu-user-static is affecting your operating system however in our short test we were able to start Axigen container after using this approach.

:bangbang: Note that any issues with Axigen service (like unexpected crash events) cannot be investigated due to this unsupported way of running Axigen container on ARM64.

florin@debian:~$  uname -m

florin@debian:~$  docker run --platform linux/amd64 --name=axigen -dt -v /var/docker/axigen:/axigen/var -p 443:443 -p 9443:9443 -p 993:993 -p 995:995 -p 25:25 -p 465:465 -p 9000:9000 axigen/axigen

florin@debian:~$ docker logs axigen
exec /axigen/bin/entrypoint.sh: exec format error

florin@debian:~$ docker run --rm --privileged aptman/qus -s -- -p x86_64
cat ./qemu-binfmt-conf.sh | sh -s -- --path=/qus/bin -p x86_64 --suffix -static
Setting /qus/bin/qemu-x86_64-static as binfmt interpreter for x86_64

florin@debian:~$ docker start axigen

florin@debian:~$ docker logs axigen | tail
Axigen[24]: INFO: Starting Axigen Mail Server version 10.5.22
Axigen[24]: SUCCESS: supervise ready... (respawns per minute: 10)
Axigen[24]: INFO: supervise: spawning a new process to execute Axigen Mail Server version 10.5.22
Axigen[36]: INFO: Running as user 'axigen' (id=220) and group 'axigen' (id=220)
Axigen[36]: INFO: Maximum open files: 20001
Axigen[36]: INFO: Storage factory initialized and ready for requests
Axigen[36]: WARNING: Cannot open license key file '/axigen/var/axigen_lk.bin'; default (trial) license will be used
Axigen[36]: INFO: Reading configuration file '/axigen/var/run/axigen.cfg'
Axigen[36]: INFO: /axigen/var/run/axigen.cfg(760:8): Deprecated attribute 'backendAddresses' ignored for a 'clusterSettings' object
Axigen[36]: INFO: /axigen/var/run/axigen.cfg(761:8): Deprecated attribute 'frontendAddresses' ignored for a 'clusterSettings' object

florin@debian:~$ docker exec -it axigen /axigen/bin/axigen -v
Axigen server version: 10.5.22 (Linux/x86_64)

:bangbang: Note that after each reboot you have to run the qemu-user-static container before starting Axigen container.


Thanks Florin, im away for a few days now but will give it a go very soon

Not having much luck here…

/axigen/bin/axigen: error while loading shared libraries: libdl.so.2: ELF load c ommand address/offset not page-aligned
Starting binary
/axigen/bin/axigen: error while loading shared libraries: libdl.so.2: ELF load c ommand address/offset not page-aligned

I think its time to give up on the ARM64 and but another Intel/AMD machine…
But thanks for trying
