DomainKeys & DKIM

Axigen Documentation

Updated: February 25, 2021

The following page will show you the correct way to implement the advanced configuration of DomainKeys and DKIM inside Axigen.

On the Axigen Machine

DNS Configuration

Add an entry similar with:


In order to get <content_of_public_key_pem_file_on_1_line>, you could run the following command:

Replace the name of the .pem file with the one you actually used.For the more experience, the final grep -v AAAAAAAAAA has the purpose of adding a new "\n" to wrap the prompt on a new line. The string AAAAAAAAAA is highly unlikely to be present in the public key.

If bind DNS server is used, you should split the 'p' value on multiple lines as bind accept only 256 characters per line

The "p" value need to be split to 256 characters per line.

Here's an example on how to generate this on Linux, using your existing public key:

More info on the DNS configuration of Axigen

Check if the DNS entry has been propagated with the following command:

Axigen WebAdmin

For Incoming Messages

Acceptance & Routing → Advanced Settings Rule name: "Check_DomainKeys_and_DKIM"

For Signing Outgoing Messages

Acceptance & Routing → Advanced Settings Rule name: "DomainSign-domain1_com"