- Connection Specific Methods
- Service Specific Methods
- Search Specific Methods
- Log Specific Methods
- Queue Specific Methods
- Listener Specific Methods
- Domain Specific Methods
- User Specific Methods
- Maillist Specific Methods
- Group Specific Methods
- FolderRCPT Specific Methods
- Public Folder Specific Methods
- Graphic Specific Methods
- smtpFilter Specific Methods
- Sieve Filters Specific Methods
- AACL Specific Methods
- User Classes / Account Classes Specific Methods
- Date Functions
The following methods are only used for WebAdmin related operations:
Name |
headers_getUserAgent |
Syntax |
STRING headers_getUserAgent() |
Explanation |
Returns User-Agent HTTP header value. |
Name |
getHostName |
Syntax |
STRING getHostName() |
Explanation |
Returns server's host name. |
Name |
server_getVersion |
Syntax |
STRING server_getVersion() |
Explanation |
Returns the server's version. |
Name |
server_getLK |
Syntax |
MAP server_getLK() |
Explanation |
Returns a map object that contains informations about the license key. |
Name |
config_save |
Syntax |
config_save() |
Explanation |
Makes all the changes permanent. |
Name |
config_discard |
Syntax |
config_discard() |
Explanation |
Discards all the uncommitted changes (cached on this session). |
Name |
licenseKey_load |
Syntax |
MAP licenseKey_load() |
Explanation |
Loads informations about an uploaded license key and returns them in a map object. Before calling this method you should upload the license key to the server. Webadmin server recognizes a license key upload try by a query "action=licenseKey". |
Name |
licenseKey_apply |
Syntax |
licenseKey_apply() |
Explanation |
Applies an uploaded license key. |
Name |
licenseKey_getAddons |
Syntax |
ARRAY licenseKey_getAddons() |
Explanation |
Returns the list of license addons. |
Name |
geoip_apply |
Syntax |
geoip_apply() |
Explanation |
ReApplies an uploaded GeoIP CSV database (in MAXMIND format). action=upload should be used to upload this file. |
Name |
geoip_loadCountries |
Syntax |
ARRAY geoip_loadCountries() |
Explanation |
Returns a list of maps, parsed from the GeoIP database: − country: country name |
Name |
object_getInfo |
Syntax |
MAP object_getInfo(STRING objectName) |
Explanation |
Returns detailed info about <objectName> config object. |
Connection Specific Methods
Name |
connection_isSecure |
Syntax |
STRING connection_isSecure() |
Explanation |
Returns true if the current connection is secure (SSL) or false otherwise. |
Name |
connection_getUrlRedirect |
Syntax |
STRING connection_getUrlRedirect() |
Explanation |
Returns a url redirection string for the current connection which is used to redirect from a plain to a secure connection. |
Service Specific Methods
Name |
service_load |
Syntax |
MAP service_load(STRING service [, STRING attributesType]) |
Explanation |
Loads attributes of <service> from config file. It returns a map object that contains all attributes for <service>. <service> can be: "server", "dnr", "reporting", "processing", "smtpIncoming", "smtpOutgoing", "pop3", "imap", "webmail", "webadmin", "log", "cli", "ftp", "rpop", "pop3Proxy", "imapProxy", "userDb". By default <attributesType> is considered "values". For some services <attributesType> can be: − smtpIncoming |
Name |
service_update |
Syntax |
MAP service_update(MAP values, STRING service [, STRING attributesType]) |
Explanation |
Updates the service's <attributesType> specified by <service>. The updated properties are taken from <values> map object. If the map object returned by this method is not empty (update failure) then it contains all wrong properties from <values>. |
Name |
service_commit |
Syntax |
service_commit(STRING service) |
Explanation |
Commits changes made on <service>. |
Name |
service_commitFilters |
Syntax |
service_commitFilters(STRING service) |
Explanation |
Commits server's filters changes. |
Name |
service_reset |
Syntax |
service_reset(STRING service) |
Explanation |
Resets changes made on <service>. |
Name |
service_listLoad |
Syntax |
ARRAY service_listLoad(STRING objectName [, STRING service]) |
Explanation |
Loads the list of <objectName> objects, contained in <service>. <objectName> and <service> can be: − scriptFilters |
Name |
service_listAdd |
Syntax |
MAP service_listAdd(MAP objectValues, STRING objectName [, STRING service]) |
Explanation |
Adds an object specified by objectValues MAP to the list of <objectName> objects, contained in <service>.<objectName> can be: − nameservers |
Name |
service_listRemove |
Syntax |
service_listRemove(STRING objectKey, STRING objectName [, STRING service]) |
Explanation |
Removes the object with the key <objectKey> from the list of objects specified by <objectName>, contained in <service>.<service> and <objectName> can have the same values as for #service_listAdd method. |
Name |
service_listLoadElement |
Syntax |
MAP service_listLoadElement(STRING objectKey, STRING objectName [, STRING service]) |
Explanation |
Loads the element with the key <objectKey> from the list of objects specified by <objectName>, contained in <service>. <service> and <objectName> can have the same values as for #service_listAdd method. |
Name |
service_listUpdateElement |
Syntax |
MAP service_listUpdateElement(MAP objectValues, STRING objectKey, STRING objectName [, STRING service]) |
Explanation |
Updates the object with the key <objectKey> from the list specified by <objectName>, contained in <service>. The updated properties are taken from <objectValues> map object. <service> and <objectName> can have the same values as for #service_listAdd method. If the map object returned by this method is not empty (update failure) then it contains all wrong properties from <objectValues>. |
Search Specific Methods
Name |
search_applyFilter |
Syntax |
search_applyFilter(STRING searchListName, MAP searchInfo) |
Explanation |
Applies a search filter on the <searchListName>. The search filter information is contained in a MAP object, <searchInfo>.<searchListName> can be one of the domain objects ("domains", "users", "mlists", "groups", "folderrcpts", "mlistusers"). The MAP containing the search info must have the following properties and values: − STRING <type> - can be: |
Log Specific Methods
Name |
log_loadFileList |
Syntax |
ARRAY log_loadFileList() |
Explanation |
Loads the log file list; it returns an array of map objects. The map objects have the following properties: − "fileName" |
Name |
log_showFile |
Syntax |
log_showFile(STRING fileName) |
Explanation |
Shows the content of the log file <fileName>. |
Name |
log_removeFile |
Syntax |
log_removeFile(STRING fileName) |
Explanation |
Removes the log file <fileName>. |
Queue Specific Methods
Name |
queue_force |
Syntax |
queue_force() |
Explanation |
Force queue to try to send all mails. |
Name |
queue_loadMails |
Syntax |
ARRAY queue_loadMails([NUMBER startIndex, NUMBER stopIndex]) |
Explanation |
Before calling this method you must first call queue_applySearch() method, or else the list returned will be empty. This method loads all the mails between <startIndex> and <stopIndex>. If <startIndex> and <stopIndex> are missing then all mails in the queue are loaded. It returns an ARRAY of MAP values. Each MAP object has the following properties: − NUMBER id |
Name |
queue_loadMail |
Syntax |
MAP queue_loadMail(NUMBER mailID) |
Explanation |
Loads the mail specified by <mailID> from the queue. It returns a MAP object with the following properties: − NUMBER id |
Name |
queue_rescheduleMail |
Syntax |
queue_rescheduleMail(NUMBER mailId) |
Explanation |
Reschedules the mail <mailId> from queue. |
Name |
queue_removeMail |
Syntax |
queue_removeMail(NUMBER mailId) |
Explanation |
Deletes the mail <mailId> from queue. |
Name |
queue_sendNDR |
Syntax |
queue_sendNDR(NUMBER mailId) |
Explanation |
Sends a non delivery report to the originator and remove the mail <mailId> from the queue. Applies for all mail recipients. |
Name |
queue_getSize |
Syntax |
NUMBER queue_getSize() |
Explanation |
Returns the number of mails in the queue. |
Name |
queue_applySearch |
Syntax |
queue_applySearch(ARRAY filters) |
Explanation |
Caches the list of mails in the queue and applies search <filters>. <filters> is an ARRAY with MAP elements. Each element contains the following search criteria: − name ("size", "age", "retries", "status", "sender", "recipient" or "nextSchedule") |
Name |
queue_getSearchInfo |
Syntax |
ARRAY queue_getSearchInfo() |
Explanation |
Returns previously applied search <filters>. |
Name |
queue_applySort |
Syntax |
queue_applySort(STRING sortType, STRING sortOrder) |
Explanation |
Sorts the list of mails from the queue (cached before) according to <sortType>, in <sortOrder>. <sortType> can be: − size |
Name |
queue_getSortInfo |
Syntax |
queue_getSortInfo(STRING sortType, STRING sortOrder) |
Explanation |
Returns <sortType> and <sortOrder> of queue mails currently cached. |
Name |
queue_refresh |
Syntax |
queue_refresh() |
Explanation |
Refreshes the list of mails from the queue, applying the existing search filters. |
Listener Specific Methods
Name |
listener_create |
Syntax |
listener_create(STRING service) |
Explanation |
Creates a new listener for <service>. This listener is the new current listener (cached for current session). It can be modified and commited. <service> can be: "smtpIncoming", "pop3", "imap", "webmail", "webadmin", "log", "cli", "ftpBackup". |
Name |
listener_load |
Syntax |
listener_load(STRING key, STRING service) |
Explanation |
Loads the listener identified by address <key>, from<service>. This is the new current listener. |
Name |
listener_update |
Syntax |
listener_update() |
Explanation |
Updates changes of current listener. |
Name |
listener_add |
Syntax |
listener_add() |
Explanation |
Adds the current listener to the service which was created for; in case of no failure, the listener is dicarded from cache. |
Name |
listener_commit |
Syntax |
listener_commit() |
Explanation |
Commits the changes of the current listener. If the listener was loaded, the command updates it. If the listener is newly created, then it adds it to the service which was created for. |
Name |
listener_get |
Syntax |
MAP listener_get(STRING valuesName) |
Explanation |
Loads the attributes <valuesName> from the current listener. <valuesName> can be "values" or "sslControl". |
Name |
listener_set |
Syntax |
MAP listener_set(MAP values, STRING valuesName) |
Explanation |
Sets <values> to <valuesName> object of current listener. If the map object returned by this method is not empty (set failure) then it contains all wrong properties from <values>. |
Name |
listener_listLoad |
Syntax |
ARRAY listener_listLoad(STRING objectName) |
Explanation |
Loads elements of the list <objectName>, from the current listener. <objectName> can be "allowRules" or "denyRules". |
Name |
listener_listAdd |
Syntax |
MAP listener_listAdd(MAP objectValues, STRING objectName) |
Explanation |
Adds <objectValues> to <objectName> list from current listener. If the map object returned by this method is not empty (add failure) then it contains all wrong properties from <objectValues>. |
Name |
listener_listRemove |
Syntax |
listener_listRemove(STRING objectKey, STRING objectName) |
Explanation |
Removes the element <objectKey> from the <objectName> list, from current listener. |
Name |
listener_listLoadElement |
Syntax |
MAP listener_listLoadElement(STRING objectKey, STRING objectName) |
Explanation |
Loads the element identified by <objectKey> from <objectName> list, from the current listener and returns the map object. |
Name |
listener_listUpdateElement |
Syntax |
MAP listener_listUpdateElement(MAP objectValues, STRING objectKey, STRING objectName) |
Explanation |
Updates the object identified by <objectKey> (from <objectName> list) with the attributes from <objectValues>. If the map object returned by this method is not empty (update failure) then it contains all wrong properties from <objectValues>. |
Name |
listener_getService |
Syntax |
STRING listener_getService() |
Explanation |
Returns the service for the current listener. |
Name |
listener_isNew |
Syntax |
listener_isNew() |
Explanation |
It returns "true" if the listener is new, or "false" otherwise. |
Domain Specific Methods
Name |
domain_create |
Syntax |
domain_create(STRING domainName, STRING password,STRING dSLocation[, STRING maclSupport, STRING dOSLocation, ARRAY mSLocations]) |
Explanation |
Creates a new domain with name <domainName>, with the postmaster password <password>, into domain location specified by <dSLocation> (domainStorageLocation) and optionally <maclSupport> ("yes" or "no"), <dOSLocation> (domainObjectsStorageLocation) and <mSLocations> (messageStorageLocations). This domain is the new current domain. |
Name |
domain_load |
Syntax |
domain_load(STRING domainName) |
Explanation |
Loads the domain <domainName>. This is the new current domain. |
Name |
domain_getMacl |
Syntax |
STRING domain_getMacl()) |
Explanation |
Returns "enable" if MACL is enabled for the current domain or "disable" otherwise. |
Name |
domain_setMacl |
Syntax |
domain_setMacl(STRING enable) |
Explanation |
If <enable> is "enable" then MACL is enabled for the current domain or disabled if <enable> is "disable". |
Name |
MAP domain_get |
Syntax |
MAP domain_get(STRING valuesName) |
Explanation |
Loads <valueName> object from the current domain.<valueName> can be: − • "values" |
Name |
domain_set |
Syntax |
MAP domain_set(MAP values, STRING valueName) |
Explanation |
Sets <values> map object to <valueName> object of current domain. If the map object returned by this method is not empty (set failure) then it contains all wrong properties from <values>. <valueName> can be "values", "defaultQuota", "defaultLimits", "adminLimits", "webmailData" or "migrationData". |
Name |
domain_commit |
Syntax |
domain_commit() |
Explanation |
Commits changes of current domain. |
Name |
domain_commitFilters |
Syntax |
domain_commitFilters() |
Explanation |
Commits filters changes for the current domain. |
Name |
domain_register |
Syntax |
domain_register(STRING dSLocation[, STRING dOSLocation, STRING mSLocation]) |
Explanation |
Registeres the domain found in the location specified by <dSLocation> and optionally by <dOSLocation> and <mSLocation>. |
Name |
domain_unregister |
Syntax |
domain_unregister(STRING domainName) |
Explanation |
Unregisteres the domain specified by <domainName>. |
Name |
domain_listLoad |
Syntax |
ARRAY domain_listLoad(STRING objectName [, NUMBER startIndex, NUMBER stopIndex]) |
Explanation |
ULoads elements of the <objectName> list from the current domain. The list contains elements between <startIndex> and <stopIndex>. If <startIndex> and <stopIndex> are missing then all elements are loaded. <objectName> can be: − "domains": returns an ARRAY of MAPs: |
Name |
domain_listAdd |
Syntax |
MAP domain_listAdd(MAP objectValues, STRING objectName) |
Explanation |
Adds <objectValues> into <objectName> list of the current domain. If the map object returned by this method is not empty (add failure) then it contains all wrong properties from <objectValues>. <objectName> can be: "aliases", "scriptFilters", "socketFilters", "activeFilters", "defaultScriptFilters", "defaultSocketFilters" or "defaultActiveFilters". |
Name |
domain_listRemove |
Syntax |
domain_listRemove(STRING objectKey, STRING objectName) |
Explanation |
Removes element <objectKey> from <objectName> list, from current domain. <objectName> can be: "users", "mailLists", "groups", "folderRcpts", "userClasses", "aliases", "scriptFilters", "socketFilters", "activeFilters", "defaultScriptFilters", "defaultSocketFilters" or "defaultActiveFilters". |
Name |
domain_listLoadElement |
Syntax |
MAP domain_listLoadElement(STRING objectKey, STRING objectName) |
Explanation |
Loads the element identified by <objectKey> from <objectName> list, from current domain. <objectName> can be: "scriptFilters", "socketFilters", "activeFilters", "defaultScriptFilters", "defaultSocketFilters" or "defaultActiveFilters". |
Name |
domain_listUpdateElement |
Syntax |
MAP domain_listUpdateElement(MAP objectValues, STRING objectKey, STRING objectName) |
Explanation |
Updates the object identified by <objectKey>, from <objectName> list, with attributes contained in<objectValues>. If the map object returned by this method is not empty (update failure) then it contains all wrong properties from <objectValues>. <objectName> can be: "scriptFilters", "socketFilters", "activeFilters", "defaultScriptFilters", "defaultSocketFilters" or "defaultActiveFilters". |
Name |
domain_listGetSize |
Syntax |
NUMBER domain_listGetSize(STRING objectName) |
Explanation |
Returns number of elements from <objectName> list.<objectName> can be "domains", "users", "mailLists", "groups", "folderRcpts" or "userClasses". |
Name |
domain_listCache |
Syntax |
domain_listCache(STRING objectName[, ARRAY permissions]) |
Explanation |
It caches the list of <objectName> items. <objectName> can be "domains", "users", "mailLists", "groups", "folderRcpts" or "userClasses". In case of "domains" the list is filtered considering the list of <permissions>. If size of <permissions> list is greater than 0 no domain storage info will be available. |
User Specific Methods
Name |
user_create |
Syntax |
user_create(STRING userName, STRING domainName) |
Explanation |
Creates a new account,<userName>, for <domainName>. This account is the new current account. |
Name |
user_load |
Syntax |
user_load(STRING userName, STRING domainName) |
Explanation |
Loads account <userName> from <domainName>. This is the new current account. |
Name |
user_get |
Syntax |
MAP user_get(STRING valuesName) |
Explanation |
Loads <valuesName> object from the current account.<valuesName> can be "values", "webmailData", "contactInfo", "filterData", "limits", "inheritedLimits", "quota", "inheritedQuota" or "registryInfo". |
Name |
user_set |
Syntax |
MAP user_set(MAP values, STRING valuesName) |
Explanation |
Sets <values> map object to <valuesName> object of current account. If the map object returned by this method is not empty (set failure) then it contains all wrong properties from <attributes>. <valuesName> can be "values", "webmailData", "contactInfo", "filterData", "limits" or "quota". |
Name |
user_commit |
Syntax |
user_commit() |
Explanation |
Commits changes of current account. |
Name |
user_listLoad |
Syntax |
ARRAY user_listLoad(STRING objectName) |
Explanation |
Loads elements of the <objectName> list from the current account. <objectName> can be: "aliases", "scriptFilters", "socketFilters", "activeFilters". |
Name |
user_listAdd |
Syntax |
MAP user_listAdd(MAP objectValues, STRING objectName) |
Explanation |
LAdds <objectValues> into <objectName> list of the current account. If the map object returned by this method is not empty (add failure) then it contains all wrong properties from <objectValues>. <objectName> can be: "aliases", "scriptFilters", "socketFilters", "activeFilters". |
Name |
user_listRemove |
Syntax |
user_listRemove(STRING objectKey, STRING objectName) |
Explanation |
Removes element <objectKey> from <objectName> list, from current account. <objectName> can be: "aliases", "scriptFilters", "socketFilters", "activeFilters". |
Name |
user_listLoadElement |
Syntax |
MAP user_listLoadElement(STRING objectKey, STRING objectName) |
Explanation |
Loads the element identified by <objectKey> from <objectName> list, from current account. <objectName> can be: "scriptFilters", "socketFilters", "activeFilters". |
Name |
user_listUpdateElement |
Syntax |
MAP user_listUpdateElement(MAP objectValues, STRING objectKey, STRING objectName) |
Explanation |
Updates the object identified by <objectKey>, from <objectName> list, with attributes <objectValues>. If the map object returned by this method is not empty (update failure) then it contains all wrong properties from <objectValues>.<objectName> can be: "scriptFilters", "socketFilters", "activeFilters". |
Maillist Specific Methods
Name |
mlist_create |
Syntax |
mlist_create(STRING mlistName, STRING domainName) |
Explanation |
Creates a new mail list,<mlistName> for <domainName>. This mail list is the new current mail list. Setting the parameter <adminEmail> from "values" must be done until committing the mail list. |
Name |
mlist_isNew |
Syntax |
mlist_isNew() |
Explanation |
Returns true if the current list is newly created and falseotherwise. |
Name |
mlist_load |
Syntax |
mlist_load(STRING mlistName, STRING domainName) |
Explanation |
Loads mail list <mlistName> from <domainName>. This is the new current mail list. |
Name |
mlist_get |
Syntax |
MAP mlist_get(STRING valuesName) |
Explanation |
Loads <valuesName> object from the current mail list.<valuesName> can be "values", "webmailData", "limits", "mboxContainerQuota" or "registryInfo". |
Name |
mlist_set |
Syntax |
MAP mlist_set(MAP values, STRING valuesName) |
Explanation |
Sets <values> map object to <valuesName> object of current mail list. If the map object returned by this method is not empty (set failure) then it contains all wrong properties from <values>. <valuesName> can be "values", "webmailData", "limits" or "mboxContainerQuota". |
Name |
mlist_commit |
Syntax |
mlist_commit() |
Explanation |
Commits changes of current mail list. For a successfull commit, "adminEmil" from mlist's <values> is required. |
Name |
mlist_listLoad |
Syntax |
ARRAY mlist_listLoad(STRING objectName [, NUMBER startIndex, NUMBER stopIndex]) |
Explanation |
Loads elements of the <objectName> list from the current mail list. <objectName> can be "removeHeaders", "scriptFilters", "socketFilters", "activeFilters" or "mailListUsers". |
<startIndex> and <stopIndex> can be used only for "mailListUsers". These arguments are ignored for others <objectName> lists.
Name |
mlist_listAdd |
Syntax |
MAP mlist_listAdd(MAP objectValues, STRING objectName) |
Explanation |
Adds <objectValues> into <objectName> list of the current mail list. If the map object returned by this method is not empty (add failure) then it contains all wrong properties from <objectValues>. <objectName> can be "removeHeaders", "scriptFilters", "socketFilters", "activeFilters" or "mailListUsers". |
Name |
mlist_listRemove |
Syntax |
mlist_listRemove(STRING objectKey, STRING objectName) |
Explanation |
Removes element <objectKey> from <objectName> list, from current mail list. <objectName> can be "removeHeaders", "scriptFilters", "socketFilters", "activeFilters" or "mailListUsers". |
Name |
mlist_listLoadElement |
Syntax |
MAP mlist_listLoadElement(STRING objectKey, STRING objectName) |
Explanation |
Loads the element identified by <objectKey> from <objectName> list, from current mail list. <objectName> can be "scriptFilters", "socketFilters", "activeFilters" or "mailListUsers". |
Name |
mlist_listUpdateElement |
Syntax |
MAP mlist_listUpdateElement(MAP objectValues, STRING objectKey, STRING objectName) |
Explanation |
Updates the object identified by <objectKey>, from <objectName> list, with attributes <objectValues>. If the map object returned by this method is not empty (update failure) then it contains all wrong properties from <objectValues>.<objectName> can be "scriptFilters", "socketFilters", "activeFilters" or "mailListUsers". |
Name |
mlist_listGetSize |
Syntax |
NUMBER mlist_listGetSize(STRING objectName) |
Explanation |
Returns the number of elements contained by the list specified by <objectName>. <objectName> can only be "mailListUsers". |
Name |
mlist_listCache |
Syntax |
mlist_listCache(STRING objectName) |
Explanation |
Caches the list of <objectName> elements. <objectName> can only be "mailListUsers". |
Group Specific Methods
Name |
group_create |
Syntax |
group_create(STRING groupName, STRING domainName) |
Explanation |
Creates a new group for <domainName>. This group is the new current group. |
Name |
group_load |
Syntax |
group_load(STRING groupName, STRING domainName) |
Explanation |
Loads group <groupName> from <domainName>. This is the new current group. |
Name |
group_get |
Syntax |
MAP group_get(STRING valuesName) |
Explanation |
Loads <valuesName> object from the current group.<valuesName> can be "values" or "registryInfo". |
Name |
group_set |
Syntax |
MAP group_set(MAP values, STRING valuesName) |
Explanation |
Sets <values> map object to <valuesName> object of current group. If the map object returned by this method is not empty (set failure) then it contains all wrong properties from <values>. <valuesName> can be only "values". |
Name |
group_commit |
Syntax |
group_commit() |
Explanation |
Commits changes of current group. |
Name |
group_listLoad |
Syntax |
ARRAY group_listLoad(STRING objectName) |
Explanation |
Loads elements of the <objectName> list from the current group. <objectName> can be "addresses", "scriptFilters", "socketFilters" or "activeFilters". |
Name |
group_listAdd |
Syntax |
MAP group_listAdd(MAP objectValues, STRING objectName) |
Explanation |
Adds <objectValues> into <objectName> list of the current group. If the map object returned by this method is not empty (add failure) then it contains all wrong properties from <objectValues>.<objectName> can be "addresses", "scriptFilters", "socketFilters" or "activeFilters". |
Name |
group_listRemove |
Syntax |
group_listRemove(STRING objectKey, STRING objectName) |
Explanation |
Removes element <objectKey> from <objectName> list, from current group. <objectName> can be "addresses", "scriptFilters", "socketFilters" or "activeFilters". |
Name |
group_listLoadElement |
Syntax |
MAP group_listLoadElement(STRING objectKey, STRING objectName) |
Explanation |
Loads the element identified by <objectKey> from <objectName> list, from current group. <objectName> can be "scriptFilters", "socketFilters" or "activeFilters". |
Name |
group_listUpdateElement |
Syntax |
MAP group_listUpdateElement(MAP objectValues, STRING objectKey, STRING objectName) |
Explanation |
Updates the object identified by <objectKey>, from <objectName> list, with attributes <objectValues>. If the map object returned by this method is not empty (update failure) then it contains all wrong properties from <objectValues>.<objectName> can be "scriptFilters", "socketFilters" or "activeFilters". |
FolderRCPT Specific Methods
Name |
folderRcpt_create |
Syntax |
folderRcpt_create(STRING fRcptName, STRING domainName) |
Explanation |
Creates a new folderRCPT for <domainName>. This folderRCPT is the new current folderRCPT. |
Name |
folderRcpt_load |
Syntax |
folderRcpt_load(STRING fRcptName, STRING domainName) |
Explanation |
Loads folderRCPT <fRcptName> from <domainName>. This is the new current fRcpt. |
Name |
folderRcpt_get |
Syntax |
MAP folderRcpt_get(STRING valuesName) |
Explanation |
Loads <valuesName> object from the current folderRCPT.<valuesName> can be "values" or "registryInfo". |
Name |
folderRcpt_set |
Syntax |
MAP folderRcpt_set(MAP values, STRING valuesName) |
Explanation |
Sets <values> map object to <valuesName> object of current folderRCPT. If the map object returned by this method is not empty (set failure) then it contains all wrong properties from <values>. <valuesName> can be only "values". |
Name |
folderRcpt_commit |
Syntax |
folderRcpt_commit() |
Explanation |
Commits changes of current folderRCPT. |
Name |
folderRcpt_listLoad |
Syntax |
ARRAY folderRcpt_listLoad(STRING objectName) |
Explanation |
Loads elements of the <objectName> list from the current folderRCPT. <objectName> can be "scriptFilters", "socketFilters" or "activeFilters". |
Name |
folderRcpt_listAdd |
Syntax |
MAP folderRcpt_listAdd(MAP objectValues, STRING objectName) |
Explanation |
Adds <objectValues> into <objectName> list of the current folderRCPT. If the map object returned by this method is not empty (add failure) then it contains all wrong properties from <objectValues>. |
Name |
folderRcpt_listRemove |
Syntax |
folderRcpt_listRemove(STRING objectKey, STRING objectName) |
Explanation |
Removes element <objectKey> from <objectName> list, from current folderRCPT. |
Name |
folderRcpt_listLoadElement |
Syntax |
MAP folderRcpt_listLoadElement(STRING objectKey, STRING objectName) |
Explanation |
Loads the element identified by <objectKey> from <objectName> list, from current folderRCPT. |
Name |
folderRcpt_listUpdateElement |
Syntax |
MAP folderRcpt_listUpdateElement(MAP objectValues, STRING objectKey, STRING objectName) |
Explanation |
Updates the object identified by <objectKey>, from <objectName> list, with attributes <objectValues>. If the map object returned by this method is not empty (update failure) then it contains all wrong properties from <objectValues>. |
Public Folder Specific Methods
Name |
publicFolder_load |
Syntax |
publicFolder_load(STRING domainName) |
Explanation |
Loads the public folder from <domainName>. |
Name |
publicFolder_get |
Syntax |
MAP publicFolder_get(STRING valuesName) |
Explanation |
Loads <valuesName> object from the current public folder.<valuesName> can be "values" or "mboxContainerQuota". |
Name |
publicFolder_set |
Syntax |
MAP publicFolder_set(MAP values, STRING valuesName) |
Explanation |
Sets <values> map object to <valuesName> object of current public folder. If the map object returned by this method is not empty (set failure) then it contains all wrong properties from <values>. |
Name |
publicFolder_commit |
Syntax |
publicFolder_commit() |
Explanation |
Commits changes of current public folder. |
Name |
publicFolder_listLoad |
Syntax |
ARRAY publicFolder_listLoad(STRING objectName) |
Explanation |
Loads elements of the <objectName> list from the current public folder. <objectName> can be only "mboxes". |
Name |
publicFolder_listAdd |
Syntax |
MAP publicFolder_listAdd(MAP objectValues, STRING objectName) |
Explanation |
Adds <objectValues> into <objectName> list of the current public folder. If the map object returned by this method is not empty (add failure) then it contains all wrong properties from <objectValues>. |
Name |
publicFolder_listRemove |
Syntax |
publicFolder_listRemove(STRING objectKey, STRING objectName) |
Explanation |
Removes element <objectKey> from <objectName> list, from current public folder. |
Name |
publicFolder_listLoadElement |
Syntax |
MAP publicFolder_listLoadElement(STRING objectKey, STRING objectName) |
Explanation |
Loads the element identified by <objectKey> from <objectName> list, from current public folder. |
Name |
publicFolder_listUpdateElement |
Syntax |
MAP publicFolder_listUpdateElement(MAP objectValues, STRING objectKey, STRING objectName) |
Explanation |
Updates the object identified by <objectKey>, from <objectName> list, with attributes <objectValues>. If the map object returned by this method is not empty (update failure) then it contains all wrong properties from <objectValues>. |
Graphic Specific Methods
Name |
graphic_show |
Syntax |
graphic_show(STRING graphicName) |
Explanation |
Sends the content of the graphic identified by <graphicName>. WARNING: this method MUST be called alone, without any other HTML or HSP code, because it sends binary data (image files) to the client and resets HTTP headers. |
smtpFilter Specific Methods
Name |
smtpFilter_isInited |
Syntax |
smtpFilter_isInited() |
Explanation |
Returns true if the smtp filters have been inited (parseFile has been succesfull or overwriteFile was called). |
Name |
smtpFilter_loadUsage |
Syntax |
MAP smtpFilter_loadUsage() |
Explanation |
Loads a vector of events where the smtp filters and conditions can be used. |
Name |
smtpFilter_loadKeywords |
Syntax |
MAP smtpFilter_loadKeywords() |
Explanation |
Retrieves the list of sfl keywords that cannot be used as filter names. |
Name |
smtpFilter_parseFile |
Syntax |
MAP smtpFilter_parseFile() |
Explanation |
Parses the contents of the SMTP filter script file, <workdir>/filters/smtpFilters.scripts. If the file is successfully parsed, the returned MAP contains the following property: − STRING success |
Name |
smtpFilter_overwriteFile |
Syntax |
smtpFilter_overwriteFile() |
Explanation |
If the existing SMTP filter script file (<workdir>/filters/smtpFilters.scripts) content cannot be successfully parsed, this method can be used in order to overwrite the file with a new one edited by the user with the smtp filter wizard. |
Name |
smtpFilter_loadFile |
Syntax |
STRING smtpFilter_loadFile() |
Explanation |
It returns the content of the SMTP filter script file, <workdir>/filters/smtpFilters.scripts. |
Name |
smtpFilter_saveFile |
Syntax |
smtpFilter_saveFile(STRING content) |
Explanation |
Updates the SMTP filter script file with <content> as text. |
Previous contents are overwritten.
Name |
smtpFilter_loadList |
Syntax |
ARRAY smtpFilter_loadList() |
Explanation |
This method loads the list of SMTP filters into the returned ARRAY, which contains MAP values. Each MAP value has the following properties: − ARRAY actions - each element has MAP type and has these properties: |
Name |
smtpFilter_load |
Syntax |
MAP smtpFilter_load(NUMBER filterId) |
Explanation |
This method loads the filter with the specified id in the returned MAP. The MAP element has the same properties as above (smtpFilter_loadList method). |
Name |
smtpFilter_enable |
Syntax |
smtpFilter_enable(NUMBER filterId) |
Explanation |
Enables the filter with the specified id. |
Name |
smtpFilter_disable |
Syntax |
smtpFilter_disable(NUMBER filterId) |
Explanation |
Disables the filter with the specified id. |
Name |
smtpFilter_add |
Syntax |
smtpFilter_add(MAP filter) |
Explanation |
Adds the specified filter to the list of SMTP filters. The MAP must contain the following properties: − ARRAY actions - each element has MAP type and has these properties: |
Name |
smtpFilter_update |
Syntax |
smtpFilter_update(NUMBER filterId, MAP filter) |
Explanation |
Updates the filter with the specified id with the values from the MAP variable. The MAP variable must contain the same properties as above. |
Name |
smtpFilter_remove |
Syntax |
smtpFilter_remove(NUMBER filterId) |
Explanation |
Removes the filter with the specified id. |
Name |
smtpFilter_commit |
Syntax |
smtpFilter_commit() |
Explanation |
Commits the changes made to the SMTP filters. |
Name |
smtpFilter_reset |
Syntax |
smtpFilter_reset() |
Explanation |
Resets the changes made (but not commited) to the current SMTP filter. |
Name |
smtpFilter_setOrder |
Syntax |
smtpFilter_setOrder(STRING order) |
Explanation |
Sets the filters order. The <order> parameter must contain the id's of the filters in the desired order, comma separated. |
Sieve Filters Specific Methods
Name |
avFilter_listLoad |
Syntax |
ARRAY avFilter_listLoad() |
Explanation |
Returns a list of detected antivirus filters. If <reset> is "true" then the list of antivirus filters is detected again on server. Each object contains the following properties: − STRING name: the name of the antivirus filter |
Name |
sieveFilter_init |
Syntax |
sieveFilter_init(STRING path) |
Explanation |
Inits the sieve filter wizard by setting the filename that contains the sieve scripts. |
Name |
sieveFilter_isInited |
Syntax |
sieveFilter_isInited() |
Explanation |
Returns true if the sieve filter wizard has been inited. |
Name |
sieveFilter_loadBlackList |
Syntax |
ARRAY sieveFilter_loadBlackList() |
Explanation |
Loads the list of email addresses that have been blacklisted. The ARRAY contains STRINGS. |
Name |
sieveFilter_addToBlackList |
Syntax |
sieveFilter_addToBlackList(STRING email) |
Explanation |
Adds an email address to the black list |
Name |
sieveFilter_removeFromBlackList |
Syntax |
sieveFilter_removeFromBlackList(NUMBER email_index) |
Explanation |
Removes the entry with the email_index position from the black list |
Name |
sieveFilter_loadList |
Syntax |
ARRAY sieveFilter_loadList() |
Explanation |
Loads the list of WebMail filters for the current account. Every element has MAP type and contain the following properties: − STRING name: the name of the filter |
Name |
sieveFilter_add |
Syntax |
sieveFilter_add(MAP filter) |
Explanation |
Adds the filter with the properties specified by <filter>. The MAP can contain the following properties: − STRING name: name of the filter |
For more clarity, examples will follow for each type of filter that can be created. The example below adds a simple filter, which forwards any message that contains the string "[Jokes]" to "jokes@localdomain" email address.
The following example illustrates filtering on a custom header. It checks the custom header "X-Spam" and if it is "**" then it moves the message into "Spam" folder.
The last example illustrates the creation of a responder (<type> is "vacation").
Name |
sieveFilter_load |
Syntax |
MAP sieveFilter_load(NUMBER filterId) |
Explanation |
Loads the filter with the ID <filterId>. This is the current active filter. The returned MAP element contains the same properties as for filter_add, with the same meanings, and two more properties: − STRING enabled: it can be "true" or "false" |
Name |
sieveFilter_enable |
Syntax |
sieveFilter_enable(NUMBER filterId) |
Explanation |
Enables the filter with the ID <filterId>. |
Name |
sieveFilter_disable |
Syntax |
sieveFilter_disable(NUMBER filterId) |
Explanation |
Disables the filter with the ID <filterId>. |
Name |
sieveFilter_update |
Syntax |
sieveFilter_update(NUMBER filterId, MAP filter) |
Explanation |
Updates the properties contained in <filter> for the filter specified by <filterId> (MAP element has the same properties as for #filter_load method). |
Name |
sieveFilter_remove |
Syntax |
sieveFilter_remove(NUMBER filterId) |
Explanation |
Removes the filter identified by <filterId> from the list of filters. |
Name |
sieveFilter_commit |
Syntax |
sieveFilter_commit() |
Explanation |
Commits the changes made on the current active filter. |
Name |
sieveFilter_reset |
Syntax |
sieveFilter_reset() |
Explanation |
Resets the changes made on the current active filter. |
Name |
sieveFilter_setOrder |
Syntax |
sieveFilter_setOrder(STRING order) |
Explanation |
Sets the filters order. The <order> parameter must contain the id's of the filters in the desired order, comma separated. |
AACL Specific Methods
Name |
auser_getLoginName |
Syntax |
STRING auser_getLoginName() |
Explanation |
Returns the current administrative user's name logged in. |
Name |
aacl_listLoad |
Syntax |
ARRAY aacl_listLoad(STRING listType) |
Explanation |
Loads the list of "agroups"(name and description), "ausers"(name and description), "resources"(name and type), "serverPermissions", "domainPermissions". |
Name |
principal_create |
Syntax |
principal_create(STRING prType, STRING prName[, STRING password]) |
Explanation |
Creates a new principal withe name <prName>. His <prType> can be "auser", or "agroup". <password> is required for "auser". |
Name |
principal_remove |
Syntax |
principal_remove(STRING prType, STRING prName[, STRING forced]) |
Explanation |
Removes a principal with the name <prName>. His <prType> can be "auser" or "agroup". The "forced" parameter is optionally used for "agroup"; an administrative group with children can be removed only if <forced> is "true"; <forced> is by default considered to be "false". |
Name |
principal_load |
Syntax |
MAP principal_load(STRING prType, STRING prName) |
Explanation |
Returns a map filled with principal's ("auser" or "agroup") properties: − STRING name (principal's name) |
Name |
principal_loadEffectivePermissions |
Syntax |
MAP principal_loadEffectivePermissions(STRING prType, STRING prName, STRING resType, STRING resName) |
Explanation |
Returns a map filled with principal's ("auser" or "agroup") <prName> effective permissions on the given resource("server" or "domain") <resName> : − ARRAY(STRING) grant (list of granted permissions) |
Name |
principal_update |
Syntax |
principal_update(STRING prType, STRING prName, MAP props) |
Explanation |
Updates principal's properties with <props> ("name", "description" and "password" for auser; "name" and "description" for a group). |
Name |
principal_addParent |
Syntax |
principal_addParent(STRING prType, STRING prName, STRING parent) |
Explanation |
Adds <parent> in <prName> principal's parents list. |
Name |
principal_removeParent |
Syntax |
principal_removeParent(STRING prType, STRING prName, STRING parent) |
Explanation |
Removes <parent> from <prName> principal's parents list. |
Name |
principal_listLoadAllParents |
Syntax |
ARRAY principal_listLoadAllParents(STRING prType, STRING prName) |
Explanation |
Loads all parnets (not only direct parents) of the <prName> principal. The result contains: − STRING name |
Name |
agroup_listLoadMembers |
Syntax |
ARRAY agroup_listLoadMembers(STRING groupName) |
Explanation |
Loads the members of the <groupName> administrative group. The result contains: − STRING name |
Name |
principal_setPermissions |
Syntax |
principal_setPermissions(STRING prType, STRING prName, ARRAY permissions, STRING resType, STRING resName) |
Explanation |
Sets new <permissions> for principal <prName> on resource <resName>. <permissions> contains maps with properties: − STRING name (permission name) |
Name |
resource_listLoadPrincipals |
Syntax |
MAP resource_listLoadPrincipals(STRING resType) |
Explanation |
Returns the principals list for the resource with type <resType>.<resType> cand be "server" or "domain". If te resource is a domain, domain_load method must be called firstly. The result contains: − STRING name (principal name) |
Name |
resource_checkPermission |
Syntax |
resource_checkPermission(STRING permission, STRING resType) |
Explanation |
Returns true if the administrative user logged in has the <permission> on the current resource of type <resType>.<resType> can be "server" or "domain". In case of "domain", domain_load method must be called before. |
User Classes / Account Classes Specific Methods
Name |
userClass_create |
Syntax |
userClass_create(STRING userClassName, STRING domainName) |
Explanation |
Creates a new user class, <userClassName>, for <domainName>. This user class is the new current user class. |
Name |
userClass_load |
Syntax |
userClass_load(STRING userClassName, STRING domainName) |
Explanation |
Loads <userClassName> from <domainName>. This is the new current user class. |
Name |
userClass_get |
Syntax |
MAP userClass_get(STRING valuesName) |
Explanation |
Loads <valuesName> object from the current user class.<valuesName> can be "values", "limits", "inheritedLimits", "quota", "inheritedQuota" or "filterData". |
Name |
userClass_set |
Syntax |
MAP userClass_set(MAP values, STRING valuesName) |
Explanation |
Sets <values> map object to <valuesName> object of current user class. If the map object returned by this method is not empty (set failure) then it contains all wrong properties from <attributes>. <valuesName> can be "values", "limits", "quota" or "filterData". |
Name |
userClass_commit |
Syntax |
userClass_commit() |
Explanation |
Commits changes of current user class. |
Name |
userClass_listLoad |
Syntax |
ARRAY userClass_listLoad(STRING objectName) |
Explanation |
Loads elements of the <objectName> list from the current user class. <objectName> can be: "scriptFilters", "socketFilters", "activeFilters". |
Name |
userClass_listAdd |
Syntax |
MAP userClass_listAdd(MAP objectValues, STRING objectName) |
Explanation |
Adds <objectValues> into <objectName> list of the current user class. If the map object returned by this method is not empty (add failure) then it contains all wrong properties from <objectValues>. <objectName> can be: "scriptFilters", "socketFilters", "activeFilters". |
Name |
userClass_listRemove |
Syntax |
userClass_listRemove(STRING objectKey, STRING objectName) |
Explanation |
Removes element <objectKey> from <objectName> list, from current user class. <objectName> can be: "scriptFilters", "socketFilters", "activeFilters". |
Name |
userClass_listLoadElement |
Syntax |
MAP userClass_listLoadElement(STRING objectKey, STRING objectName) |
Explanation |
Loads the element identified by <objectKey> from <objectName> list, from current user class. <objectName> can be: "scriptFilters", "socketFilters", "activeFilters". |
Name |
userClass_listUpdateElement |
Syntax |
MAP userClass_listUpdateElement(MAP objectValues, STRING objectKey, STRING objectName) |
Explanation |
Updates the object identified by <objectKey>, from <objectName> list, with attributes <objectValues>. If the map object returned by this method is not empty (update failure) then it contains all wrong properties from <objectValues>.<objectName> can be: "scriptFilters", "socketFilters", "activeFilters". |
Date Functions
Name |
timezone_loadList |
Syntax |
ARRAY timezone_loadList() |
Explanation |
Returns a list of strings. Each string represents a timezone. |