When creating domains, one message storage location with the default 32GB size is recommended for each predicted 20GB of message occupied storage space. For larger spaces, additional message storage locations should be created or the default parameters modified in order to increase total average size for the location to correspond to the number of 20GB storages you need. It is recommended that the occupied space is 2/3 out of the storage location size.
You can add multiple message storage locations using CLI only within the domain creation context. After creating the domain, additional locations cannot be added. The command to create multiple message storage locations is the following:
The commands available for the Domain context are:
– exits CLI and closes connection to Axigen -
– prints this help message -
– cancels any changes made and switches back to the previous context -
– commits the changes made in this context -
SHOW [ATTR <param>]
– shows information about this context -
LIST Aliases
– lists aliases for current domain -
LIST Accounts [wildcard (ex: account*)]
– lists accounts for current domain -
LIST Groups [wildcard (ex: account*)]
– lists groups for current domain -
LIST FolderRcpts [wildcard (ex: account*)]
– lists folder recipients for current domain -
LIST Lists [wildcard (ex: account*)]
– lists mail lists for current domain -
LIST AccountClasses [wildcard (ex: account*)]
– lists account classes for current domain -
LIST Ghosts [wildcard (ex: account*)]
– lists ghost accounts waiting for ldap synchronization -
LIST SearchFolders [details]
– lists search folders for current domain -
SHOW RegistryInformation
– shows registry information -
SHOW StorageInformation [details]
– shows storage files information (with details per file if option present) -
SHOW StorageStatistics [details][average]
– shows total or average storage statistics (with details per file if option present) -
SHOW AccountingStatistics [since <date>][until <date>]
– shows accounting statistics for the last month or a specified period -
SHOW DisposableMetadataInformation
– shows information about the size occupied by disposable meta-data in the storage -
SHOW BrandingElement <faviconPhoto | faviconNPhoto | ajaxPublicPhoto |ajaxPrivatePhoto | standardPublicPhoto | standardPrivatePhoto | mobilePublicPhoto | mobilePrivatePhoto|*>
– shows the binary value of a branding element (base64 encoded) -
SHOW SearchIndexInformation [diag] [details]
– shows general information about the search-index data of all mail folders of the current domain -
SHOW SearchIndexInformation [diag] allfolders
– shows search-index information for all mail folders containing indexes of the current domain -
SHOW SortIndexInformation
– shows general information about the sort-index data of all folders of the current domain -
SHOW SortIndexInformation allfolders
– shows sort-index information for all folders containing sort indexes of the current domain -
SHOW CalendarSearchIndexInformation [diag] [details]
– shows general information about the search-index data of all calendar folders of the current domain -
SHOW CalendarSearchIndexInformation [diag] allfolders
– shows search-index information for all calendar folders containing indexes of the current domain -
SHOW NewSortIndexInformation
– shows general information about the new sort-index data of all folders of the current domain -
SHOW NewSortIndexInformation allfolders
– shows new sort-index information for all folders containing sort indexes of the current domain -
PURGE disposableMetadata searchIndexes|sortIndexes|normalizedMessages|orphans|all
PURGE public|account folders <folderName> [, <folderName>]* [<purgeCondition>]
– purge mails from specified folders of all users from the domain -
RESET ldapSynchronization
– resets the ldap synchronization (any synchronization in progress must be stopped first) -
SET [name <name>]
– sets the domain's name - only usable in anUPDATE
operation -
SET [assignedIp <ip>]
– sets the assigned ip -
SET [services (list of services)]
– sets the services for this domain -
SET [showWebmailLogin <yes|no>]
– enables/disables displaying this domain at WebMail login -
SET [createUsersFromLdap <yes|no>]
– enables/disables auto-creation of users authenticated from LDAP -
SET [publishRcptContacts <yes|no>]
– switch indicating if domain recipients contacts are published -
SET [enableAppender <yes|no>]
– enables/disables the message appender -
SET [catchAllType <type>]
– sets the type of Catch-All behaviour -
SET [catchAllAccountName <value>]
– sets the name of the account used to store all messages with unknown recipient -
SET [catchAllFolderName <value>]
– sets the name of the folder used to store all messages with unknown recipient -
SET [enableLDAPSync <yes|no>]
– enables/disables LDAP-Axigen synchronization -
SET [ldapSyncConnectorName <name>]
– sets the name of the LDAP connector to use -
SET [customerReference <string>]
– sets the customer reference for use with external billing like systems -
SET [defaultTimezone <timezone>]
– sets the default timezone -
SET [defaultLanguage <lang>]
– sets the default language -
SET [disposableMetadataQuotaThreshold <no.>]
– sets the disposable meta-data quota threshold -
SET [brandingName <name>]
– sets the branding name -
SET [enableGravatar <yes|no>]
– enables/disables gravatar -
ESET appenderText
– this text will be appended to all messages sent from this domain -
ESET appenderHtml
- this text will be appended to all messages sent from this domain -
ESET BrandingElement <faviconPhoto | faviconNPhoto | ajaxPublicPhoto | ajaxPrivatePhoto | standardPublicPhoto | standardPrivatePhoto | mobilePublicPhoto | mobilePrivatePhoto|*>
- sets the binary value of a branding element (the value must be base64 encoded) -
– enters the migrationdata context -
– enters the domain filters context -
CONFIG adminLimits
– enters the admin limits context -
CONFIG accountDefaultFilters
– enters the account default filters context -
CONFIG accountDefaultLimits
– enters the account default limits context -
CONFIG folderRcptDefaultLimits
– enters the folder recipient default limits context -
CONFIG autodiscovery
– enters the autodiscovery domain parameters configuration context -
CONFIG accountDefaultQuotas
– enters the account default quotas context -
CONFIG accountDefaultSendRecvRestrictions
– enters the account default send/recv restrictions context -
CONFIG accountDefaultWebmailAdvertising
– enters the account default WebMail advertising context -
– enters the Public Folders context -
– enters the Permissions context -
CONFIG initialAccountSettings
– enters the initial account settings context -
ADD Account [name] <name> password <password>
– adds an account to the domain (changes context) -
UPDATE Account [name] <name>
– updates an account from the domain (changes context) -
REMOVE Account [name] <name>
– removes an account from the domain -
SHOW Account [name] <name> [ATTR <param>]
– shows the given account -
ADD Group [name] <name>
– adds a group to the domain (changes context) -
UPDATE Group [name] <name>
– updates a group from the domain (changes context) -
REMOVE Group [name] <name>
– removes a group from the domain -
SHOW Group [name] <name> [ATTR <param>]
– shows the given group -
ADD FolderRcpt [name] <name>
– adds a folder recipient to the domain (changes context) -
UPDATE FolderRcpt [name] <name>
– updates a folder recipient from the domain (changes context) -
REMOVE FolderRcpt [name] <name>
– removes a folder recipient from the domain -
SHOW FolderRcpt [name] <name> [ATTR <param>]
– shows the given folder recipient -
ADD List [name] <listName> password <password> adminEmail <email>
– adds a list to this domain (changes context) -
UPDATE List [name] <listName>
– updates a list from this domain (changes context) -
REMOVE List [name] <listName>
– removes a list from this domain -
SHOW List [name] <listName> [ATTR <param>]
– shows the given list -
ADD Alias <aliasName>
– adds an alias for the domain -
REMOVE Alias <aliasName>
– removes an alias from the domain -
ADD accountClass [name] <accountClassName>
– adds an account class for the domain (changes context) -
UPDATE accountClass [name] <accountClassName>
– updates an account class from the domain (changes context) -
REMOVE accountClass [name] <accountClassName>
– removes an account class from the domain -
REMOVE GHOSTS [wildcard (ex: g*)]
– remove ghost accounts from the domain -
– migrate command which has the following parameters:-
account <accountName>
– the account name for migration -
remoteHost <host>
– the host of the migration server -
remotePort <port>
– the port of the migration server -
remoteUser <imap-user>
– the imap username of the migration server -
remotePass <imap-pass>
– the imap password of the migration server -
[ignoreFolders (folders)]
– specifies a list of folders as displayed byLIST
separated by spaces which will not be migrated -
[overrideQuota <yes|no>]
– specifies if the mailbox quota should be overridden (default: no) -
[deleteOriginal <yes|no>]
– enables/disables deletion of all migrated messages on the remote server (default: no) -
[structureOnly <yes|no>]
– enables migration of only the directory structure (default: no) -
[verbose <yes|no>]
– specifies if the command should be verbose (default: no)
The MIGRATE command, when the parameter "overrideQuota" is set to its "no" default, will migrate mails until the mailbox Quota is reached. If overrideQuota is set to yes, all the mails will be migrated but the mailbox Quota could be exceeded, in which case, the account will no longer receive any more mails.
– list running migration jobs for the current domain -
MIGRATE ATTACH <accountName>
– permanently attach to another CLI session where migration is running for the specified account -
MIGRATE PEEK <accountName> [<timeout>]
– temporary attach to another CLI session where migration is running for the specified account (default timeout: 10 seconds) -
MIGRATE ABORT [<accountName>]
– abort one or all migration jobs for the current domain -
LIST Storages
– lists all storages registered to Axigen -
– acquire read lock on all domain's storages registered to AXIGEN -
– release read lock on all domain's storages registered to AXIGEN -
COMPACT All [forced] [splitAfter <max_size> into <split_storage_usid>]
– compacts all storages registered to Axigen -
COMPACT Storage usid <storage_usid> [forced] [splitAfter <max_size> into <split_storage_usid>]
– compacts a storage from the list -
COMPACT attach | peek [timeout]
– permanently or temporarily attach to another CLI session where compact is running for the domain -
– abort a running compact job for the domain started from another CLI session -
SCAN ALL [purge|softPurge][verbose][readOnly][imapLeaks][cachedOnly][clearCache][analyzeStructure][recoverTo <accountName>]
– scan all message storages in order to report storage usage and purge storage leaks -
SCAN Storage usid <storage_usid> [usid <storage_usid>...] [purge|softPurge][verbose][readOnly][imapLeaks][cachedOnly][clearCache][analyzeStructure][recoverTo <accountName>]
– scan the specified message storages in order to report storage usage and purge storage leaks -
SCAN DomainContainer
– scan the internal domain container in order to report storage usage -
SCAN PublicFolders
– scan the domain public folders in order to report storage usage -
SCAN Account <accountName>
– scan the account folders in order to report storage usage -
SCAN attach | peek [timeout]
– permanently or temporarily attach to another CLI session where scan is running for the domain -
SCAN abort
– abort a running scan job for the domain started from another CLI session -
ENABLE [detailed] StorageStatistics
– enables I/O statistics for all storages in domain -
ENABLE traceLog DomainContainer [folder <foldername>]
– enable trace log for internal domain container folders -
ENABLE traceLog PublicFolders [folder <foldername>]
– enable trace log for domain public folders -
ENABLE traceLog Account <accountName> [allfolders | folder <foldername>]
– enable trace log for account folders -
DISABLE StorageStatistics
– disables I/O statistics for all storages in domain -
DISABLE traceLog DomainContainer [folder <foldername>]
- disable trace log for internal domain container folders -
DISABLE traceLog PublicFolders [folder <foldername>]
- disable trace log for domain public folders -
DISABLE traceLog Account <accountName> [allfolders | folder <foldername>]
- disable trace log for account folders -
– upgrades storage representation of configuration data and folders to current version -
REPAIR Accounts <accountName> [<accountName>...]
– tries to recover lost accounts -
REPAIR attach | peek [timeout]
- permanently or temporarily attach to another CLI session where repair accounts is running for the domain -
REPAIR abort
- abort a running repair accounts job for the domain started from another CLI session -
– synchronizes Domain Contacts folder with domain's objects contact information -
FINDINVALIDMSG <accountName> [<accountName>...] [purge]
– lists and optionally removes faulty messages from specified accounts -
FINDINVALIDMSG attach | peek [timeout]
– permanently or temporarily attach to another CLI session where find invalid messages is running for the domain -
– abort a running find invalid messages job for the domain started from another CLI session -
RECOVER domain <domainName> [clearpassword|setpassword <newPasswd>|defaultpassword <defaultPasswd>] [dryrun]
– attempt to recover accounts and messages from the specified domain and migrate them to the current domain -
RECOVER attach | peek [timeout]
– permanently or temporarily attach to another CLI session where recover domain is running with this domain as destination -
– abort a running recover domain job with this domain as destination started from another CLI session -
PURGEMAPIPROPS [onMessages] [onFolders] [specialFolders] [onContacts] [dryrun] [regex] [<accountNamePattern/folderPathPattern>...]
– remove the MAPI properties associated with the specified folders and/or their messages from the given accounts -
PURGEMAPIPROPS attach | peek [timeout]
– permanently or temporarily attach to another CLI session where purge mapi properties is running for the domain -
– abort a running purge mapi properties job for the domain started from another CLI session