Using CLI

Axigen Documentation

To connect to Axigen command line interface (CLI), after installing Axigen with its default settings, please enter in your terminal:

In order to be able to connect to Axigen CLI, you should enable the CLI listener and connect to the correct IP:port address. You can verify the CLI listeners using the CLI -> Listeners page in WebAdmin.

You should see a welcome message similar to the one below:

You must login first. For a list of available commands, type HELP.

Even now you can type HELP for a list of the available commands:

The commands available for the Login context are:

  • HELP - prints this help message

  • EXIT/QUIT - exits CLI and closes connection to Axigen

  • USER <user> - CLI username

  • GET VERSION - gets the Axigen version

  • SET CONSOLE-CODES on - sets the color and other console codes on/off

  • SET QUIET off - enables/disables detailed information

  • SHOW - shows the options for this context

You can login using the administrator account:

For a list of available commands, type HELP

To create a new domain you can first type HELP to check the syntax of the CREATE Domain command:

For example, to create a domain named "" in the default location for the domains for a Linux platform and with the postmaster password "secret_password" you can issue the following command:

The above command will also change the context and to finish creating the domain use the COMMIT command:

Create a new user, "user1" with password "secret" in domain using the following commands:

and save changes using COMMIT:

By default new users inherit settings from the domain level. Using Account Classes you can set a group of users to inherit settings from the account class instead of the domain. Supposing that you have an account class named "privileged" and you want user1 to inherit settings from this account class the following commands can be issued:

Although using the WebAdmin interface is the most simplest way to add a server, domain or user filter there are some cases when you need to add a filter using the CLI interface. In the next example we shall add a filter at the domain level for

If you want to add a script filter at the domain level you should issue the following commands:

The "file" parameter should be the relative path.

You can now view the new defined filter using the LIST filters command.

Edit the filter and define the rules:

Below you should edit manually the filter. Filters use the SIEVE language described in the following RFC:

For example to move all incoming messages with a Subject that contains "viagra" you can add the following:

Save the rule:

and activate the filter:

The priority of filters is as follows:

  • Server level: MIN 0 - MAX 500;

  • Domain level: MIN 100 - MAX 400;

  • Account level: MIN 200 - MAX 300.

When logging to the CLI interface you can see the resemblance to the WebAdmin interface if you type HELP:

  • CONFIG SERVER - enters the Server context where you can modify server specific configuration

  • ENTER QUEUE - to manage the Axigen Queue

  • ENTER AACL - to manage the right of the server administrators

The other commands refer to domain specific administration.

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