Chart Counters

Axigen Documentation

The "Parameters" tab allows you to add/edit/delete chart counters. Use the "Add chart counter" button to add a new parameter that will be graphically represented on the chart.

In the "General" tab, use the options under the General Settings section to specify the parameter ID, the parameters to be collected, the "Chart Group", as well as the "Aggregation Function" used in representing the values for the counter.

Use the drop-down menu available on the right-hand side of the "Parameter to collect" option to select the new parameter to be monitored.

Below is a brief description of the Reporting Parameters.

All connection-related parameters are usually incremented/updated only when that specific connection is closed.

Service Parameters

SMTP Incoming Parameters

  • SMTP_InboundConnection – monitors the number of inbound connections on any of the SMTP Receiving listeners.

  • SMTP_InboundConnectionAuthenticated – reports the number of connections that try to authenticate on any of the SMTP Receiving listeners.

  • SMTP_InboundConnectionAuthenticatedSuccess – monitors the number of connections that authenticate successfully on any of the SMTP listeners.

  • SMTP_InboundMessage – reports the number of emails sent using the SMTP service.

  • SMTP_InboundMessageBytes – monitors the size (in bytes) of the emails sent through the SMTP service.

  • SMTP_InboundMessageTOcommandsAccepted – reports the number of accepted recipients for emails sent through the SMTP service.

  • SMTP_InboundMessageTOcommandsRejected – monitors the number of failed "rcpt to" commands (rejected recipients) on the SMTP service.

  • SMTP_InboundMessageFROMAccepted – reports the number of accepted "mail from" commands on the SMTP service.

  • SMTP_InboundMessageDATAUsed – monitors the total number of DATA commands used on the SMTP service.

  • SMTP_InboundMessageDATAAccepted – reports the number of successful DATA commands used on the SMTP service.

  • SMTP_InboundMessageBDATAccepted – monitors the number of emails sent using SMTP BDAT commands.

  • SMTP_InboundMessageBodyAccepted – reports the total number of accepted email bodies sent through the SMTP service.

SMTP Outgoing Parameters

  • SMTP_OutboundConnection – monitors the total number of outbound connections performed by the SMTP Sending service.

  • SMTP_OutboundConnectionAuthenticated – reports the total number of outbound connections that try to authenticate.

  • SMTP_OutboundConnectionAuthenticated – monitors the total number of successfully authenticated outbound connections.

  • SMTP_OutboundConnectionErrorFinish – reports the total number of outbound connections that terminate with an error.

  • SMTP_OutboundMessage – monitors the total number of emails sent by the SMTP Sending service.

  • SMTP_OutboundMessageMessageBytes – reports the size of the emails sent by SMTP Sending.

  • SMTP_OutboundMessageTOcommandsAccepted – monitors the number of accepted TO commands executed by the SMTP Sending service.

  • SMTP_OutboundMessageTOcommandsRejected – reports the number of rejected TO commands performed by SMTP Sending.

  • SMTP_OutboundMessageFROMAccepted – monitors the total number of accepted FROM commands executed by the SMTP Sending service.

  • SMTP_OutboundMessageDATAUsed – reports the number of DATA commands used by the SMTP Sending service.

  • SMTP_OutboundMessageDATAAccepted – monitors the number of accepted DATA commands executed by SMTP Sending.

  • SMTP_OutboundMessageBDATAccepted – reports the number of accepted BDAT commands performed by the SMTP Sending service.

  • SMTP_OutboundMessageBodyAccepted – monitors the number of accepted email bodies sent by SMTP Sending.

POP3 Inbound Connection Parameters

  • POP3_InboundConnection – reports the number of inbound connections on any of the POP3 listeners.

  • POP3_InboundConnectionMessagesDelivered – monitors the number of successful RETR commands executed on POP3 connections.

  • POP3_InboundConnectionToppedMessagesDelivered – reports the total number of TOP commands performed on POP3 connections.

  • POP3_InboundConnectionMessagesDeleted – monitors the total number of messages deleted using the POP3 protocol.

HTTP Inbound Connection Parameters

  • HTTP_InboundConnection – reports the number of inbound connections on any WebAdmin or WebMail listener.

  • HTTP_InboundConnectionAuthenticated – monitors the number of connections that try to authenticate on any HTTP listener.

  • HTTP_InboundConnectionAuthenticatedSuccess – reports the total number of successful authentication attempts on any of the HTTP listeners.

  • HTTP_InboundConnectionProtocolError – monitors the total number of protocol errors triggered on HTTP connections.

  • HTTP_User – reports the total number of authenticated users on any of the WebMail listeners.

  • HTTP_UserMessagesRead – monitors the total number of emails read by authenticated users using WebMail.

  • HTTP_UserMessagesComposed – reports the total number of composed messages using WebMail.

  • HTTP_UserFinishInError – monitors the total number of sessions that terminate with errors.

IMAP Inbound Connection

  • IMAP_InboundConnection – monitors the number of inbound connections on any of the IMAP listeners.

  • IMAP_InboundConnectionAuthenticated – reports the number of connections that try to authenticate on any of the IMAP listeners.

  • IMAP_InboundConnectionAuthenticatedSuccess – monitors the total number of successful authentication attempts tried on any of the IMAP listeners.

  • IMAP_InboundConnectionSyntaxError – reports the total number of syntax errors triggered on IMAP connections.

  • IMAP_InboundConnectionCloseConnectionForced – monitors the total number of IMAP connections forcibly closed by the server.

  • IMAP_InboundConnectionConnectionTimeout – reports the total number of expired IMAP connections.

  • IMAP_FetchRequest – monitors the total number of FETCH requests performed on IMAP connections.

  • IMAP_FetchRequestSentBytes – reports the total number of bytes sent by the server in reply to FETCH requests.

  • IMAP_FetchRequestTimeSpan – monitors the total number of seconds elapsed while the server replies to FETCH requests.

  • IMAP_FetchRequestError reports the total number of FETCH requests that triggered an error.

  • IMAP_SearchRequest – monitors the total number of SEARCH requests executed on IMAP connections.

  • IMAP_SearchRequestSentBytes – reports the total number of bytes sent by the server in reply to SEARCH requests.

  • IMAP_SearchRequestTimeSpan – monitors the total number of seconds elapsed while the server replies to SEARCH requests.

  • IMAP_SearchRequestError – reports the total number of SEARCH requests that triggered an error.

  • IMAP_AppendRequest – monitors the total number of APPEND requests performed on IMAP connections.

  • IMAP_AppendRequestSentBytes – reports the total number of bytes sent by the server on IMAP connections in reply to the APPEND requests.

  • IMAP_AppendRequestError – monitors the total number of APPEND requests that triggered an error.

  • IMAP_ListRequest – reports the total number of LIST requests executed on IMAP connections.

  • IMAP_ListRequestSentBytes – monitors the total number of bytes sent by the server on IMAP connections in reply to the LIST requests.

  • IMAP_ListRequestTimeSpan – reports the total number of seconds elapsed while the server replied to LIST requests.

  • IMAP_ListRequestError – monitors the total number of LIST requests that triggered an error.

System Parameters

  • QUEUE_Size – monitors the number of messages in Axigen's processing queue.

  • SYSTEM_LoadAverage – reports the system's load average for 1min.

Filter Parameters

All filter objects have an associated AFSL file. Filter parameters are in fact counters for the various resulting actions generated by the AFSL files. For each available socket filter (active or not) 7 parameters are available: Pass, Discard, Match, Reject, Successful, Error, and Total. This means that the total number of filter-related parameters is the number of filters * 7.

  • <filter_name> Pass – each time a PASS returning code is generated for a message this counter is incremented.

  • <filter_name> Discard – this counter is incremented each time a DISCARD returning code is generated for a message.

  • <filter_name> Match – each time a MATCH returning code is generated for a message this counter is incremented, as such the "actionOnMatch" value will be returned (depending on the filter this can mean pass/discard/reject).

  • <filter_name> Reject – this counter is incremented each time a REJECT returning code is generated for a message (NDR will also be sent for that message)

  • <filter_name> Successful – each time a message was successfully tested and either passed, matched or was discarded/rejected (no errors were triggered) this counter is incremented.

  • <filter_name> Error – this counter is incremented each time a message triggers an AFSL or any processing-related error.

  • <filter_name> Total – each time a message was processed (Error or Successful) this counter is incremented.

Example: Built-in Filter: SpamAssassin

The "Chart Group" drop-down box allows you to choose the level for which data will be collected in reference to the above set parameter.

Use the drop-down menu to select one of the available Aggregation Functions: average, maximum, minimum or total.

When you are done configuring these parameters, remember to hit the "Save Configuration" button to preserve your changes.