Starting, Stopping, Restarting Services

Axigen Documentation

The "Service Management" tab allows you to monitor and configure Axigen's running services. By default, when installing the Axigen mail server, the following services will be running: SMTP, IMAP, WebMail, WebAdmin, and CLI (the last one being configured to only accept connections from localhost).

Use the "Start", "Stop" and "Restart" action buttons to manage the corresponding services. Axigen can run with any number of these services inhibited.

Under the heading "Running Services," are listed various services along with their status and control options.

  • Service Status:

    • A green checkmark indicates that the service is running.

    • A red circle with a line indicates that the service is stopped.

  • Control Buttons: To the right of each service, there are three action buttons:

    • The Play icon starts a stopped service,

    • The Stop icon halts a running service,

    • The Refresh icon restarts the service.

For instance, services like "Queue Processing" and "SMTP Receiving" are currently running, while "POP3" and "WebMail Proxy" are stopped. Administrators can use this interface to manage services by starting, stopping, or restarting them as required.